Money Talk
Let’s talk about the dreaded money topic. The illusive means to an end, the desire we all crave, Moo-la! Why is this such a sore topic? Rarely talked about between couples, or parents and their kids. It eludes so many people on how to get it, and yet we settle for less then we deserve all the time. We chase it, demand it, dream of it, and all for what? Will it bring fulfillment? Will it bring authenticity? Will it create better relationships or make you thinner? No, no and no. Money is just a situational tool that can allow us to have more experiences. It’s not money we want, its the experiences, the travel, the fulfilling purpose. So let’s look at money not as a means to an end, but a tool to create what it is we desire for our lives.
I believed for so long I was poor. The mentality was real. Poor girl mentality I call it and all I did was chase the lack of having money. Which in turn created more lack, either from frivolous spendings, to not enough work, to holes in pockets, I never had enough. I worked so hard and would look at my savings, my home and be like what do I have to show for the work? That is what I mean by poor girl mentality. It made me blind to see that I created a fruitful, successful business. I overlooked my accomplishments of winning best of the Hudson Valley, I overlooked my relationships and couldn’t understand why I didn’t have friends. Poor girl mentality isn’t just about money, it’s a lifestyle and either you continue living in squabble or you look in the mirror and shift that paradigm to badass bitch energy. That’s what I have been working towards, I am a badass bitch. Fuck poor girl, she lacked motivation, money, mentality, and more. And that shit is frankly not for me. Especially living the boujee lifestyle I plan on living.
Either you are the massager or the one being massaged, and I am the one being massaged from now on. That kind of energy is plain and simple either you keep working for someone else, slave to the man, or you start taking control of your money by being more efficient with your time. Think about it what is the one thing that all humans have a short supply of? TIME!! Yet we work for people who use and abuse us, we allow the ill treatment of the customer service bullshit get us down, and let boundaries get stepped on over and over. We aim to please people just for what? A few dollars? To save face? In the grand scheme of things is that couple of dollars going to make you feel better, or will establishing boundaries against a bully who has to have it there way like a toddler throwing a tantrum create more love for what you do?
Money is a tool and if you respect yourself, your time, and make your desires and passions for life be the implementer then there is no reason you shouldn’t have an abundance. It’s when you allow the tool to be your driving force for doing things that you lose the respect for your time and settle for scraps. Money becomes the end goal, the finale. If I had all this money I would do this, or that, again you become the chaser with poor girl mentality. If instead you looked at where you were and began to recognize I have to work x amount of hours to pay for y then you realize that your life is not about playing a money game, but a time one. You fall into the credit card traps, the loan traps, the apy nightmares that are made to keep you stuck in the false reality that money is everything. When in fact you could do so much right now with just the right set of priorities, and innovation.
All you have to do is invest in yourself. You want to make a t shirt company that makes uniforms for companies then research it, look into others markets, look into maybe outsourcing it to cut costs. There are so many ways that you can do something, you don’t have to be linear in your thinking alls that does is scrutinize and stiffle innovation and creativity. Think outside the box. If you know someone who has a similar business go and try their products, their services, explore your options. Check out their vendors or research outside vendors from other countries. There is an unlimited amount of potential just waiting to come out from the bottom of your higher self. It’s not a money thing, its a you problem. Do you want to keep letting that bullshit excuse keep you at a job making $15 an hour with bullshit benefits and 2 weeks paid vacation? Or are you ready to start figuring out what your dreams are and the steps you want to take to get there? Oh I get it, you would rather complain and not have to work, then rejoice and have to work… I see now. The work part of it is what stops you from being great. Well then that’s on you. Maybe instead, what you need is a hard look in the mirror, do you like who you are and what you have done so far? Would your 5 year old self be proud? If the answer is no, then you have to chose where you want to start, now? Or on your death bed full of regret? Harsh I know, but we cater sometimes to our pity party and never venture past it.
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