21 books that helped me in my growth.

Reading has so many great benefits such as improving memory, motivation, inspiration, helping depression, building knowledge and more. The more you read the more you learn and absorb thus creating a growth cycle. A few years ago I started my self discovery journey and along the way I read numerous books to allow me to look inward and heal the parts of me I desperately needed to. I will give you a list of books that I have read along my journey to heal from trauma and learn how I became in control of my life rather than being constantly triggered by ptsd and my past. Along with reading I did therapy so that I highly recommend to coincide with reading. It’s like being in school right, you take the class then you have the homework to help solidify everything you are learning. Same goes for your own growth and overcoming things, it requires you to take a proactive approach, so here’s some homework!

  1. You are a badass: How to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life by Jen Sincero.

  2. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and organizing by Marie Kondo

  3. Codependent No More by Melody Beattie

  4. The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

  5. The power of Now by Eckert Tolle

  6. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

  7. Can’t hurt me by David Goggins

  8. Outliers by Malcom Gladwell

  9. The four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz

  10. Emotion Code by Dr. Nelson

  11. Tribe of Mentors by Time Ferris (currently listening to it on audible)

  12. David and Goliath by Malcom Gladwell

  13. Rhinoceros Success by Scott Alexander

  14. Thinking Like a boss by Kate Crocco

  15. The book of five rings by miyamoto musashi

  16. It didn’t start with you by Mark Wolynn

  17. Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey

  18. You are a badass at making money: Master the mindset of wealth by Jen Sincero

  19. The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran

  20. Love yourself like your life depends on it by Kamal Ravikant

  21. You’re never weird on the internet by Felicia Day (read and audiobook- listen 1x a year.)

This is just a list of the books I can recall from the top of my head. These are the ones that have helped inspire me to move forward and dive deeper into myself. There are a lot of other books that are young adult fantasy, sci-fi, and other categories as well but I figured I would give you some of the books that helped me along my journey. I am currently making a list of the books I want to finish by 2021. For this I will leave out the books that are fun reads and focus more on the reading that is for self help. 

  1. Very Good Lives by J.K. Rowling

  2. Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

  3. Everything is figure outable by Marie Forleo (Thanks Matt & CJ for the book)

  4. The four hour workweek by Tim Ferris (thanks Erik for the book recommendation)

  5. How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie

Some of these books will be self help books and some of them will be personal development books. The difference is that self help is about tackling a problem within and taking steps to help you reach a goal whereas personal development  will help you with personal skills to help you advance in a career or in your own life. Not a fan of these types of books? That’s totally okay, it’s not for everyone. If you aren’t then I am going to challenge you here to find a podcast or a YouTube Chanel that will help you with your own growth whether that will be personally, professionally, emotionally. Get some outside opinions or knowledge for some insight into your own life. Do this at least 2-3 times a week or spend 15 minutes a day reading. 

What are some books you like to read? Are there any in your life that have made a great impact on you? For me there were these stories I use to read when I was a kid all the time with morals at the end of them and beautiful drawings. That along with where the sidewalk ends, Dr. Seuss, goosebumps choose your own adventure, where huge in my life. I loved these books along with many others. There are times though I go in spirts with reading. Where I get so wrapped up in my life and worries that I don’t take the time to decompress with a Good book. But when I take the time to read and allow my mind to be challenged that is when I sleep better, feel mentally stimulated and feel as if my mind is tired finally. Huh, guess I should read when I am anxious. OHhhh this may be my go to to help combat those negative thoughts, depression and anxiety! Great idea! Thanks! 

Leave me some of your favorites in the comments below. I am always looking for more things to read. I love all sorts of books so there is no limit here on what to put. I hope the list I gave will help you along your journey. Choose 1 or a few to get you started and remember to be kind and patient with yourself along the way. It’s not overnight you change it requires work and dedication and to stay committed to yourself and the process. So make good girl and good boy choices my friends! 

Today was a 10!

Hope Ackerly


Book 1: Figureoutable


30 things to do outside when the weathers getting nice!