Try Anyways

I have been working on trying to find the courage to make a commercial or a who am I video for my business because I won an award from a magazine. (I get to announce it soon so yay!) So today I took charge and did it. It wasn’t pretty or exceptional but I did it anyways. That is the point of things, don’t hold back, don’t run away. Face that shit and try anyways.

So the bloopers from this were hilarious. I tend to make voices when I am feeling awkward which is why sometimes I want to be a voice actor on the side. But after every shot I kept going. I had no idea what I wanted to do or say. I had a written idea down but it didn’t feel like it fit. What I did was a start, it wasn’t my best but being seen and in the spotlight is new for me. I am working on making videos in front of others, it’s hard for me to loosen up and just be me. Probably because I am a huge creep goof ball and I am nervous to show that side to people. It’s a little unusual I guess. 

Is there something you haven’t done because of needing to be perfect or fear of judgement? I say take a chance and do it anyways. It’s how I started this blog, it’s how I made the video anyways. I want you to believe in yourself because the sooner that happens the higher you will go. The more you will take charge and leap at every chance, and every opportunity! I’m right behind you, lets take these leaps together and gain some serious mojo and self love!!!

Today was a 7. 



