Ripples of Gratitude
Day 3 is in full swing! Today is the fourth of July but even it being a holiday I’m sticking with the goals! It was a good day full of family, friends and togetherness. It was full of blessings like sunshine, great food and games all while under the canopy of warm welcoming home. How could we ask for anything better?
In today’s world we tend to forget to be grateful for these blessings or we just flat out ignore them and seek more. These moments that pass us by will never happen the same again. The world is fleeting every second and to us, our time slowly descending like sand in a bottle. So what makes us forget this? Or become unaware of how delicate and precious our lives truly are?
Our mentality. When we get lost in that story in our head we lose sight of the now. That tends to leave us in the past rehashing the old and holding on to what was, keeping us closed to the now. Or when we look to the future only causing panic to our minds it daydreams on what ifs, wants and dreams. We get wrapped up in these stories, in the lack mentality or “outside” of reality we forget to be grateful for now. But gratitude is what brings us back to the moment so we can truly enjoy it.
Having a mindset based on gratitude for the things in your life, the people, the places, it creates so much more abundance. You fill your chalice with all the riches we can consume such as love and support and acceptance. Gratitude leaves you not wanting but instead living in your power, embracing your life and able to see everything around you in the moment.
So how do we live in gratitude? First start by writing the things you are grateful for. Upon waking up write 3 things you are grateful for. Think about those things and how they fill you with joy. Feel it in your body and imagine in your mind how they make you feel. Evoke the emotions so that it becomes a body response because when you feel it you embody it. After that start to practice it throughout the day. If you pay for something be grateful you get to spend money on what you are buying. That money is supplying jobs and when you think about the ripple effects of gratitude that is when it becomes more effective.
When you throw a rock into the water it ripples out into bigger circles all from one small rock. The same with living in gratitude. Imagine your gratitude as the rock and being grateful for the one single thing is a start, but imagine all the people, places and things that it effects. Maybe you are grateful for your job, that job helps people in some way. You get to be a part of helping those people. Maybe your service creates joy for someone and then that persons day is made. They feel joy that you created but then they go and help someone or do something that helps someone else. Because you felt gratitude for your job you performed better, you felt joy and were able to extend that to someone who extended that to someone else.
Can you see how magical being grateful can be? It spreads kindness and that creates a world full of love. So let me ask you what are you truly grateful for in your life? Think about it in detail. What about it brings you joy? What could your gratitude for it cause for others? Think about the ripples of your gratitude and how that could affect others. Lets be the change we wish to see in the world and this begins with gratitude and kindness!
Today was a 9!