Can one person change your life?
I wonder if you had one person to believe in you, to be rooting for you, the cheerleader of your life, how would you do? Do you think having that positive energy pushing you, motivating you to do better would ultimately make you more positive? Can that 1 person change your life?
Two years ago I had a room mate who I became attached to because together we were just so positive. We would talk and build each other up, eat dinner together and were just there to support one another all the time. Then the dynamic shifted and changed. I will not go into details about this further because I am still sore over this subject but it left me feeling unsafe, and unsupported. Once that one person I felt was a cheerleader for me and vice versa left I felt alone. It devastated me. The relationship turned to one where it was very much one sided, and this person never took responsibility for their actions, just pushed it off on me.
But that one person allowed me to fly, not because they were doing it for me, or making me do it, but their belief and support made me feel safe, and capable of taking risks, putting in the work and showing up for myself. It showed me that I was loved and supported, and their positivity helped me find my own positivity. It’s like if you went to a large empowerment event, the energy of those things is crazy high. The vibration is just on another level, and then after a while of no longer being there you kind of come back down from it. Same goes for positive vibration in yourself. Yes I know it’s gotta come from you, blah, blah, blah. But picture this for a second, you are completely alone in the world, no other human exists. Would you be so apt to do anything? No? Why? Cause human beings are social creatures, so it doesn’t matter how disciplined, how motivated, how whatever, we need each other in order to feel happy or whatever.
So next time someone asks for your help, genuine help, I am not talking about someone who is complaining about the same thing over and over and not changing, I am talking about real help. I want you to take a minute and ask yourself this, if you were in their shoes would you help you? Would you? Or would you make excuses for why you couldn’t, like oh well I can’t because this is going on, or i don’t have money, or this or that. Now lets understand that you not helping them is a reflection of you, not them. Own it. If you don’t help then that is on you. You can say whatever you want about that person, like well they did this to me or they did that, but you not helping them when they are being vulnerable and asking is completely on you. You allowed your past biased, or judgement to be cast on them. How about instead you accept them where they are at, and use some compassion. Because you best believe if that was you, you would want someone to help you. So just be fucking kind. Damn.
Today was a 7.