
To become, this is what happens when we put all the phases of a habit together. First you create what you want, then you empower it, then implement, and then it becomes so. The final stage of this whole cycle and now what? Once you reach the end of your goal and become what you wanted, what’s next?

Enjoy this moment, really embrace all that hard work. To become means you have fought through the hardships of your inner demons and come out the other side victorious. A lot of the times we forget that the journey is really the whole point. Once we become what we set out to do we always ask, Okay I’m here, what’s next. So many times we skip over reveling in the moment of our success, of passing the finish line. We treat it like it wasn’t just a huge deal, and are already planning the next stage.

But here’s the thing, if you can’t take stock and be present in this, you will always be “the chaser.” The chaser is someone who believes that if you get to the finish line you will obtain, happiness, success, wealth, etc. The chaser is always looking to the future, and never satisfied with the actual process. The chaser is someone who becomes over and over, yet never see’s the greatness in that moment. They are chasing after an expectation, in hopes that it will be a profound revelation. But those that chase after these expectations will always be disappointed. Nothing will live up to that, so allowing yourself to be present in your becoming, just as it is, that is when you feel it.

To become means that you have changed your reality and shifted to a whole new paradigm of thinking. No matter how small the goal is, it changes you.

How does even a small goal change you?

It shows up in your character. It shows up in your actions. It shows up in your thoughts. However subtle, it takes those neural pathways and rewires them. It can look like discipline, or confidence. It can be a better frequency of self worth and self love. To become is to change, and be open to the possibilities that all those restrictions you had, that tiny box you were in, were in fact wrong. To become proves to those inner critics that you can, and you did. This is a moment where you prove to yourself your worth. That is why it is so important to be in this moment, because its a very profound moment. It raises you up and shows you what you are capable of. That reminder should show you that you will always prevail. This is the moment you should see, no matter what you want, it can be achieved. To become is Hope that you can accomplish the impossible by consistency and practice.

What have you overlooked in your life when it came to achieving a goal? Did you put expectations on what it should feel like, or look like? Was there a moment you were grateful for and just allowed yourself to be vulnerable in that success? Or did you just let it pass by and move on to the next goal? It’s great to always be wanting to learn, and grow, and readapt your goals. Just remember as you do achieve the things you set out for, to be present once you achieve them. Because that moment is your awakening. Are you ready to dare to habit?


Fear and how it holds you back.

