Lazy Day

I have not had days where I did absolutely nothing for a long time. I’ve had relaxing days, but to do absolutely nothing, no. The past 2 days I have done nothing except relax on the couch and read. I mean I did read a whole book and cooked breakfast for my family but other then that I did nothing and let me tell you it was glorious. I didn’t think about anything, for the first time in awhile I got to relax. The only thing that comes to the surface during all of this is work. I don’t want to go back to a windowless room inside a loud gym. I know, it’s kind of my life right now but I’m hoping that soon enough this will change.

I have enjoyed my Christmas Holiday, spending time with family, doing nothing, and loving every minute of it. It’s been a while since I took a break from work of my own volition and not being forced to do so. Since the last time I was forced to shut down coming back to work only made me never stop. For the last few months I have been working non stop and now I have time to myself again. This has granted me the space to finally take a breath and slow down. But what does it mean to slow down? Let me tell you I had a hard time with this very thought. Even with sitting all day my mind just continued racing. My need and desire to be on the move fought with the desire to laze about. 

It wasn’t until this evening after stretching and breathing into the tightness that I found some actual peace. I realized that I could relax and that I didn’t need to be rushing about. I had time to do nothing and was allowed to do nothing. I had a lot of fear that if I did nothing and allowed myself to sit down for a second I would fail. That I wouldn’t achieve or I couldn’t achieve it because I had to be hustling. You know the mindset I’m talking about, if you aren’t dying for your cause, running 24/7 then you aren’t putting in the work to get to where you want to go. But that is the biggest lie out there. 

If you are running around non stop I want you to find a way to relax. Take a day off and veg out on the couch, take a bath, read a book. Do absolutely nothing. Re-read that, Do Absolutely nothing. 100% allow yourself that time. It’s necessary so that we don’t go into burnout. If you want to hike great, but the point of this exercise is to do nothing at all and allow yourself to be okay with doing nothing. You can spend this time alone or with whomever, but this day is about going with the flow of doing nothing. I hope you do it, and if you already are doing it great. Give yourself a time frame for how long, 1 day, 2 days. It’s okay however long or short it is. 

I hope you have an amazing lazy day my friend. 

Today was a 8! Lazy 8. 




Revealing the Dark