Day 1
Today I would like to talk about what I have learned so far from my 5 for 75 challenge. I learned that I must do things that I want to do. A few things on my list I have done but with either pain, the run, or just sheer disinterest. The run has been something that hasn’t been an activity I am capable of doing right now. I use to love to run but right now with my body being truly out of shape and my right hip in severe pain that isn’t something I am capable of doing. That is why I am changing my habit from running to practicing yoga daily.
This came to my realization in day 7 when I woke up today with severe hip pain. I kept pushing my body to run when it wasn’t in the right place mobility wise to do it and instead made matters worst. Why do we do things that we believe we should be doing? Was I doing these habits for myself? Truly? Or was it because it would make me appear good?
I chose habits that I thought would boost my mentality and help me to truly resonate in a space of happiness. I use to run 2 miles a day and during those runs I’d fight demons and wage wars, it was thrilling and kept me going. It was during those runs I’d have to hold on to self love and push past pain and limits. That is why I wanted it to be on my list. Because back then I was different and I miss that person I was.
Back then my will power and motivation to hit the gym everyday was insatiable. I would work on so many aspects of my mind and body that I felt alive and in charge. I miss that feeling so much but my body is so weak and injured that it feels like I am only trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. I am fighting the current and expecting myself to be where I was. And who can blame me? We all go through that, expecting greatness even though the work has been pushed aside for a long time now.
So I am going to start my days over again. Restarting from day one because I lost motivation after my first run. The discouragement I felt was so real and made me only hate my body more then I already do. So my challenge will be this 5 habits to practice daily: ones that I truly need to help build me up.
Practice self love. Loving myself every chance I get even if I don’t feel I can. Loving myself even when I don’t.
Practice gratitude. Write 3 things I am grateful for everyday.
Practice yoga.
Drink 1 gallon of water a day
Read at least 5 pages a day.
These will be my habits I am doing. After this challenge then I will revamp myself in toning my body and getting fit. First I need to get mobile and learn to accept where I am at. I am excited to begin my journey again. I am so grateful for the 7 days I have had so far with this. I have done everything on my list except today. I didn’t have it in me to run with my hip. I accepted my limitations instead of doing more damage. That for me is a first. Normally I push past them or I just let it fall to the way side and ignore the fact I quit. This time I revamped myself and took note in what I truly need first. Progress.
Did you find any of your new habits challenging? Either physically or mentally? If so do you think you need to revamp things? If so what can you start with first? If you do chose to revamp like me remember you must start from day 1. The challenge is not to keep choosing different habits, it’s to start a habit and keep it for 75 days. I can understand how this may seem like a failure if you chose something else, but for me it’s a success. Instead of giving up and saying oh never mind about this I am changing what I know I can actually do. So here is to the start of my new 5 for 75. Day one starts tomorrow baby!! Get after it!
Today was a 6. It was just meh.