You Matter

Do you feel like what you doesn’t matter? Have you been feeling unfulfilled or what’s the point? Well then now is the time to take action. I get how that feels, you put all this time and energy into something, someone, and what happens? You don’t get to see the results. But what if I told you that instead focus on the positive rather than the negative here, and you will be able to validate yourself. 

I know as a massage therapist I am good. I am talented and truly help people, but is it enough for me? That’s when I start to feel like what I do isn’t enough or matters. What I want most of all is to truly heal people. I want to see dramatic results with lasting effects when it comes to helping someone. But do I or will I ever have a say in this? I don’t know. People heal themselves, and I am just a conduit for their own healing. So does what I do truly help people?

Absolutely. Like I said I use to feel it didn’t but as I grow and evolve I see that what I do truly helps others. Today I got so much validation from clients about this exact thing, and it truly helped but the bigger part was that I knew it. I felt it for myself and believed that what I do matters, it gave me gratitude and l’ve been feeling great about it.

We all want to matter, to be loved, and to feel important. Here’s the secret though, you are! You are all those things because everything you need is within you. We try to search for things outside ourselves in order to create that validation or momentum, but it’s within us. All we have to do is believe it. To truly feel it and love on ourselves hard. 

So what are some steps you can take to start harnessing that inner god or goddess. Well whenever you start to feel down or negative catch yourself. Tell yourself that you no longer accept this as your reality. This is when you start to take control back and say screw you negative headspace, I don’t like you and I want to change things. Then focus on something that makes you happy. It can be absolutely anything. Once you have that talk to yourself about the things you want in life, where you want to go, then start focusing on things that make you happy. That’s how you create momentum to change, by getting those butterflies flapping and those good feelings roaring. You are responsible for everything that happens in your life, and you have the opportunities to change things. 

I hope you realize how much you matter. The things you do, the laughs you share, the moments you have, they all matter. 

Today was a 10.


Releasing Guilt


Happy Birthday