Conveniently Convenient

What are your priorities in your life? The people who you spend time with? Do you use some people as a convenience while others you make a priority? Do you make watching tv a priority while skimping on exercise or work? 

How many times do we put people, dreams, goals, on the back burner while we fill our time with  things that may not benefit us, or can leave others out. Today we think me me me, my feelings, toxic this, do me and dont worry, and that kind of selfish behavior is just that, selfish in the face of self growth. When you do something that is deemed for your growth at the expense of someone else’s feelings that isn’t growth, its a form of gaslighting. You should care about others feelings, but not taking those feelings on or a part of your responsibility. 

Growth isn’t about detaching with love, its about accepting with compassion. I had a best friend that I detached with love from. I was easily triggered with her and had a lot of anxiety with her. I loved her like a sister and miss her to this day. Now I thought that ending our friendship would help me and it has but instead of ending it, I should of re-established boundaries, spoken my truth, and used compassion to understand her more. When things get tough we want to bail, and use “growth” as our excuse, Instead of talking about the issues, setting boundaries, speaking of wrongs, and just communicating. 

Confrontation keeps us divided because we make it into this big scary monster, so instead of having a tiff you disengage and find a replacement. Ive seen so many people end relationships because of so much hurt, boundary crossing, and just a lack of communication. Ive seen people who can never be alone, having people around all the time because they cant just be with themselves so anyone will do. Instead of having conflict we chose convenience, but is that helping you grow?!?  Hell no!

Convenience only keeps you thinking you are changing and evolving. It makes you complacent and potentially selfish and entitled feeling. The more convenient something is the less you put in the work, the less of a priority it becomes. So where are you on this? Do you find yourself using others as a convenience? Do you find yourself communicating and growing? Bringing the relationship closer or ending it with love? How has convenience effected your work ethic? Think about it. 

Today was a 7.


Remaining Still


Know your worth