
What does it mean to have courage? Courage is not the absence of fear, but the strength to overcome it. Courage is an emotion of empowerment to obtain more then you have. This doesn’t always mean material possessions, but can mean anything that you lack. This can be relationships, or a career, or even personality traits. So what does this mean? That through practice then; courage is a tool utilized to empower all your habits.

If you apply courage to all things that you are scared of then you are able to overcome them. And then once you do that then you look back and are like what the hell was I so afraid of. It happens to me all the time. I seem to live in a frequency of fear that holds me back from ever doing anything. It is when I start to embrace it and just apply action that I gain a level of accomplishment. Even in the smallest of things, facing that fear I gain that sense of achievement.

So how do you just do it? Where does that come from?

Well the things you want, they have to be worth the challenge. You have to want it so bad that when faced with fear you are able to practice courage. I believe this comes from a deep level of self respect and self worth. There is always a voice that is our inner critic. It puts you down and tells you what you are. This ego gets in the way of you realizing how truly amazing you are. This is when “the fight” comes in. It is through courage that we become unique. It is through courage that we gain a level of self worth that creates more abundance then lack. When you are on the line with just you, do you like yourself enough to just get up and do the things you need to? Do you have enough worth to see that you have the power to overcome fear? Or do you sit on the couch, always saying I’ll do it later or tomorrow. Tomorrow is here, and you have to decide am I going to seize the day, or continue being in a place of comfort and safety?

The moment you feel safe in your life, then you have become complacent. It means you lack the will to go for more. That comfort zone keeps you doing the bare minimum of effort in order to sustain it. It’s like if you have achieved one of your goals and since you got there you have no desire to bring it to the next level. We need courage in order to believe we are capable of achieving the next step. Those that practice courage always look like they can be put into any area and soar above. They make all things look easy, because that courage makes them lack limitations.

When is a moment in your life you have practiced using courage? Have you noticed moments when you let your fears over ride your courage? What could you do in your daily life to practice using courage? It doesn’t have to be something big, or pretty, it just needs to be done.

For me I practiced courage everyday by writing this blog. Everyday I am afraid of being rejected or not seen here. I am afraid that my words won’t matter and that I won’t be taken seriously. But instead of holding myself back and not doing this, I push through those fears and laugh.

It doesn’t have to be pretty, you just have to do it.

This is what I tell myself. I reread the blog entry out loud numerous times, and I just keep putting this content out. This is how you use courage. It is doing the things that make you fearful, and say screw it, and doing it anyways. Without courage, your life just stays the same. I don’t want to live a life that way. I did for way to long. How about you? Do you want to go out of your comfort zone and step into your courage?



