It’s not some rare tribute that some people are born with, every single person has it within them. But the turmoil of life creates that inner monologue of self doubt and fear which in turn stunts our ability to see our own greatness. It’s the nature vs nurture that creates us and the biggest thing it’s staying true to our higher selves. If you are able to stay in contact with that then you will be able to achieve that greatness.
Greatness isn’t just about being the best, it’s about understanding your craft, your talent on a “super human” level or so it seems. It’s a knowledge of self that can’t be beat because the assurance in that self already knows where it’s going and will never lead you astray. But your mind from the stories will. We all go through shit. Some people have it better than others and some worst. But there is a difference between the great and the normal, no matter where they started they never give in or allow that story to keep them down.
What is something you want to be great at? Are you an artist and you wish to become the next Picasso, well let’s change that thinking now. Trying to be the next “anyone” will leaving you always falling short. Why? Because that person already existed, they lived their life and did the things they did. Why on earth would you want to be them, do what they have already done, or replicate their achievements? Because of the story right, the legend they left behind. Well guess what, you can do that yourself but AS YOU! Now I’m not saying don’t admire them, don’t let them guide you or be your role model, but if you want to be the next big thing then you have to do what no one has ever done. Innovate your own greatness, your own legend. That is why I think so many people fail at becoming the next whatever. It’s because they are trying to walk in someone else’s shadow instead of showing their own inner greatness.
That is what it means to be great, not becoming someone else for glory. Not dampening your own shine because someone else outshines you. It’s harnessing your authenticity and challenging you everyday to be better, to get better, to rise higher. It’s taking you and leveling up beyond that of the ideal, and putting you into whatever it is. The reason no one beat Matt Fraser in Crossfit is because everyone was trying to be Matt Fraser. You can’t beat someone who exists in their most authentic self, you have to be you. 100% you and do it your way, put in your work. Now I am not saying that people haven’t done all of the work, I’m saying that the ones who become great outshine because they live, breathe, and will die to be their most genuine, pure gritted self. And when you can do this without questioning am I as good as this person, can I do what this person is doing, compare, compare, compare, then you will see that no matter what you are putting your best foot forward every time.
Comparisons is what make people lose their own inner fire. The only person you should ever compare yourself too is the person you were yesterday. Everyday should start with the question how can I be better than I was yesterday. How can I rise above what I did yesterday. What do I need today to beat who I was yesterday. This doesn’t always mean working out harder or practicing longer, this may mean take a rest day. This may mean go out with friends to give yourself a break from the work. Being better doesn’t always mean working harder, it means knowing what you need and allowing yourself to have it.
The greats are great because they learned who they were and challenged that everyday. They questioned themselves and in doing so allowed their answers to be the truth. They learned their trade or practice with precision and then adapted it in different lenses. Once you know how to do something challenge yourself to try it differently. Maybe you paint with your left hand if your righty. Maybe you train in the dark and get use to your movements without sight. Maybe you write a different genre or type of work. When you allow yourself to be the best and never push past that then you fail your own inner greatness. Because pushing past being the best is how we become great. “It is through courage to be unique that we become great.”-Hope Ackerly.
So what is it you want to be great at? Are you making it a priority? Do you set yourself up everyday to hone it and breathe it into your life? How much do you want it? If you aren’t actively pursuing the things you want in this world with tenacity is your desire to be mediocre? Is being great something you even want? Or is it just the glory? Because glory is nothing without rising to greatness. You have what it takes my friend, you just have to believe that yourself and put in the work. Otherwise it will be that “someday” dream you keep talking about. You know the one, yea someday I’ll do this. How long have you allowed someday to be your answer? Your why? If you are willing to accept that then you don’t really want it but if that scares you then it’s time to rearrange a lot of your priorities in your life. Because no one is going to hand you the keys to your inner greatness, that is entirely you. You can only make you great and the sooner you realize it, the sooner we can get to work.
Today was a 9.