The flow of Creativity

(This is the cover for the short story contest)

What does your flow of creativity look like? For me I love to write. I love to come up with ideas for things and can come up with many things off the fly. It’s kind of my secret talent. Like you know when you are growing up and you look at your siblings and are like wow you really are talented, why am I just me. Well my talent lies in the fact that I am creative as fuck, and I typically hone that creativity in the spectrum of my words. As a kid I chose art, I chose singing, I chose the theater, I loved to come up with magical stories. I loved to tell tall tails to my brother and make him question things. I was always a story teller. Words have such power and to be a story teller means to be someone who can captivate an audience with their intensity, their verbiage, their rawness and genuine character. Now up until now you have seen all my entries about self help, how I am transforming but have you seen the stories I come up in a matter of an hour? 

Today I entered a contest as a creative writer. To write a story that encompasses a mystery inheritance of 20k and the only thing that needed to be included was a little black notebook. Oh and that contest had a prize of 20k. Now once I saw that I’m like pshh I got this. Started a brain storm sesh and asked my love to help me with it. I’d give ideas and the guidelines and just bounce ideas. Then bam I had my story with a premise and outline. What 30 minutes in, cool I will finish soon. I raced to the keyboard and began to let the words flow through me. I spun a story out of the very fibers of my being in 30 minutes then added a picture cover for flair. Yes I am that creative and it’s all thanks to this blog. 

I don’t know if I will win or if the contest is 100% truth but that 1 hour brought me so much exhilaration. I love having a topic or something to write about, yet the reason I write isn’t for myself it’s for my audience. That is why I have never felt I could write the numerous book ideas I have in my head. Because I didn’t know my audience, I didn’t know my WHY. And remember that the second part of creating is knowing your WHY! If you don’t have that then you will never follow through with what you are doing. That why, sets you up with the golden ticket to the chocolate factory because it gives you every reason why you should instead of making all the excuses why you can’t. 

Like for instance finding that contest was like win 20k. That became my why, and It lead me to create an awesome short story. Sure I did it for the money, but I want to use that money to float my new business. So of course that was my why. I’m a hustler who is working hard to get where I am suppose to be, or where I want to be. That is why I ask you what does your flow look like? What medium is your favorite? Your best?

This doesn’t necessarily have to be something of an artistic standpoint. It can be physical, like maybe you want to run a 100 meter dash faster then anyone because in that sprint you get to create you and who that is. Your speed, your abilities and perseverance to become the best. Creativity doesn’t just apply to the arts or music, it applies to anything in your life that brings joy to embody something new. That can be cooking, or maybe growing your own garden. Creating a hybrid of a plant. So let’s turn creating into anything and everything that is possible instead of labeling it as “ARTS ONLY.” Science and math is super creative as well, it can transform molecules and compounds or rewrite a code in a beautiful way. To be creative is what your true passion and hobby is. That is why my massage is so different than anyone you will meet. It’s not just a structure of guidelines to follow, I break the rules and throw them out the window. I dance with science and capture the art of the human body as a sculpture putting people back together. Creativity is my favorite thing about myself because I am pure creativity, and that makes me feel like a child who is full of wonder. 

Don’t know what you like? Then I want you to do this, go inward first. Wrestle your demons because your trauma, your story about you don’t know what you want or like that is just that, a story. Your higher self is calling to you and wants to show you exactly who you are but all that noise your ego makes is just getting in the way of your true creative genius. Work through the trauma, the past, all the bs stories you keep telling yourself. It gets in the way of you upholding your highest truth, that you are limitless.

Today was a 10.


Vlog #5


The flow of creativity