Love in the Name of all things

What we teach people is know how much money you have. Know what your career is going to be. Know who you are going to marry and what house you are going to buy. We teach people that the materialism outside themselves define them. It is who they are, their career, their passions. We teach people to walk a line lead only by what you can see, not with imagination or creativity. We teach people to separate themselves based on labels. Are you gay, straight, black, white, transgender? We label and put definition to everything and we follow those guidelines with such conviction that it allows others to be perceived as less valuable then you. But what if instead of labels, instead of these close minded convictions of who is good who is bad, what if we instead loved each person like they were just an extension of you?

Everyone in this world, black, white, Asian, Mexican, whatever race you are matters. We are here on this planet to grow and transform, we are here to love and be loved. But instead we have corruption and oppression, division and separation. We are poisoned to believe that its other human beings who are just like you or I that are a part of the problem. But it’s not a human problem it is a systemic one. Our “leaders” use dominance and fear to perpetuate this very problem. Empathy is dead, and we tell each other how each one of us is wrong in our opinion. We tell woman they are ugly constantly. Oh fix this, you have fat there, your hair is ugly if you don’t have this shampoo. We sell them what the ideal woman is but at what cost? Her very soul. Look into a woman’s eyes and see how oppressed her feminine nature is. Poke her full of birth control and watch her hormones go out of control and tell her she is the crazy one. Tell her she can’t be as worthy as a man. Tell her she has to be sexy to be admired. And this is what happens to females in the world. We are sex objects to appease these foolish men. Used and abused. 

Now the same goes for race. The black man and woman are oppressed so severely because of the color of their skin. They are called awful things and profiled to be criminals. Why? They have to work twice as hard to rise out of a place that society has put them. They are criticized, scrutinized and demoralized daily. I can’t even fathom this. I would never want this done to me so why is it done to them? For so long we have had this gap in the whole of humanity that gets deeper and deeper. Our “leaders” dig the hole deeper and we fall for it. We allow their narcissistic dominance to belittle what it means to be human. We all are that. Not one person doesn’t have blood, a heart, a brain, or any other organ for that matter. We all cry when we are sad. We all get angry when upset. We all experience emotions and the world we live in. This should be the human experience instead of labeling it as white, black, man, woman etc. 

What the world needs now is kindness more then ever. It needs deep compassion, and together a unity of love. Violence begets more violence, just as the law of attractions states. What we need is true leaders who preach empathy, acceptance, love and justice. We need to unite under a new American civilization where we the people stand for our country and show these corrupt “leaders.” That we no longer accept this as our reality. There is to much hurt going on today, with entitled elitists pushing us down and keeping us there. There is to much injustice and that brings rage. The system is beyond broken in every aspect there is. And my fear is that instead of remedying this situation we step into the next phase, dictatorship. These rich, the politicians, the big Pharma, all telling us what to eat, think, do. Killing the very uniqueness we all have and destroying the world. A choice can be made though. A choice that involves choosing love over hate. Choosing to protest over loot. Choosing to rally together and take back our country. We the people are one, we are the human race and not one person is better then any other. Your labels just dictate who is.

So how about you? Are you close minded to see what is going on? Are you entitled and think that there is no issue? Have you ever dealt with racism? Sexism? Any type of ISM? It doesn’t feel good, and I for one no longer want it in my life. I hope you think of your fellow mankind as your kin and support them when needed. I hope you start to see how inaction in a time of great chaos is just as bad. If Martin Luther King used inaction would anything be different now? Being blind to what’s happening and thinking life will resume the way it has just means that we truly are bought and sold cattle. But I bet you really need to buy another pair of shoes right? (I just did thats why I say this, I am just as guilty.) I hope we start taking action, and rally together in Love, Kindness, and Equality!

Today I was at a 6. Just exhausted. Social drinks really depletes me so hard. 


Black out


Socially Times of Distancing