Thoughts Inspire
I started to read this book by Jen Sincero, You are a badass at making money and a quote that popped out to me was , “Your thoughts inspire emotions that inspire action that forms your “reality”.” Re-read that over. Isn’t that what I began this whole dare to habit movement about? Literally speaking about how you are what you think and words are power so mean what you say. That quote re-ignited the fire for this blog in me. You know what it’s hard to write everyday, some days I feel un-inspired. Some days I don’t have a damn thing to write about that I feel will help anyone. But maybe I need to re-inspire myself so that I can inspire others. In those moments I need to dare to habit and find my inner badass.
So let’s talk about why I haven’t taken the next step in my career? Old beliefs, fears, and lack of commitment. Hello. But seriously I have created a life based on old beliefs I took in from my parents, my grandparents and adopted them to be mine. I believed them to be my truth and now every time I want to venture past that little truth it’s like bitch who the fuck are you, get back here. I have a lack mindset and I’m tired of it. So much so that today I decided to share my idea for my future and ask for help to learn how to plan it! What me ask for help? Preposterous!!! Right I know. What fears hold me back? Well everything. Success, failure, being homeless is a huge one. That is really my underlying concern because you guessed it I was once. I had no place to go. So my biggest fear I lived already and it created a deep fear that I need to stay small and go with what’s safe so I don’t wind up there again. But playing it safe isn’t getting me anywhere except the same rut of will I have enough.
I picked up this book because this lack mentality I have spoken about has caused me so little life that I can’t look at myself in the mirror because of it. I’m not just talking about money, I am talking about friends, family, love. I have become so fucking guarded because every step along the way told me I am worthless, unlovable, the reason for my grandparents debt, a burden, going to turn out like my own mother. All these words used on me told me what I am suppose to be now, and the thing is I proved them all the fuck wrong!!! So if that’s the case then why do I keep adopting those truths as my foundational beliefs? Oh we are getting into it now baby, because I never dared to challenge them and rewire them. I talk a mean game and have done tremendous work about my past and coming to terms with it, but now it’s time to up the ante. And go bigger. These beliefs are already proved wrong daily, over and over.
I am worthy of so much. I am loved by so many people. Clients, my partner, my dog, my dad, my moms side, my friends, my partners family, and so many more. I didn’t cause anyone else’s money issues. People like to blame someone else for their lack mentality and instead of taking ownership of themself, and for a long time that shame led me to believe it was true. I was in debt years ago because I believed I was the cause of my grandparent’s debt, my foster homes money issues. I believed so long that my existence caused a burden on others because they made sure to tell me so. But I paid nearly all that off. The only debt I have is my student loans. I worked hard to pay off things I had to. Once my student loans are done I will be debt free and that is where I plan to stay!! Even when I open a business I plan to save for it before I expand. And as for turning into my own mother I would be lucky to be her. She has endured so much pain, so much rejection, so much heartache and yet she is courageous. She may not have her life in order but she is beyond strong to endure what she had to. She may have mental illness but she is brilliant and smart and funny, and an inspired writer. Which is probably why I started this blog here. Because when I was little all I wanted to do was be like her. Until my grandmother shamed me in it. Until she spoiled it and made it a rotten thing. My mother may be flawed but her heart is big and she deserves way more then she ever got. Mom I love you. I know I don’t say that and I have a hard time allowing you in but you are one of my favorite people in this world and I miss you terribly everyday.
This got real emotional for me tonight to write this because I challenged the things that at my core tell me who I am suppose to be. I woke up today saying no fucking more, I’m tired of not being more, being better. I want to do more then I ever did and I feel so ready now. So what are things about yourself you need to challenge. Don’t turn a blind eye in hopes someone else is going to do your fucking work. You owe it to yourself to start tapping into who you truly are. You want more then you have to challenge what is. You have to ask yourself how is this relevant to me? Ask yourself what is this fear based off? Reword it, rephrase it, dissect it. Really get into the thick of it and ask yourself the question What arises in me when it comes to this fear? Because even though you shame it, or discourage it, that fear on your subconscious level is your reality. So do you really want to keep pushing it away, poking fun at it, running away from it? Or do you want to allow your inner brilliance to start shining and rock some real magic?? Are you ready to take the daretohabit challenge? Own yourself and gain control of your life!!! I am!! Who is with me? Be my tribe!! Rise together because that is how we unite the world!! Together!
Today was an 8 1/2! Energy levels better!!