Being Humble. Learning more.

I would just like to start first by saying YAY! Entry number 100!!!!

Have you ever walked into something and realized that you are a novice? All that hard work and understanding and you still know nothing compared to others? Yea I love that feeling. That feeling is my driving force. Knowing there is still so much to learn gives me a drive to learn it. It’s like you walk in thinking you’re hot shit and come out being owned like a noob. 

So what do you do when this happens? Do you get angry? Do you get upset? Do you belittle the other person? Is your ego so proud and narrow minded that you can’t see past your own butt smoke? Well then that is something to work on. Being closed minded that someone is going to be better will leave you either jealous or upset. Don’t let that discourage you or make you stop what your doing. It’s not a race, or a comparison game. We all have things we need to improve upon. It’s up to you to decide if you are going to be closed to it or open.

I got a massage today, and I am so sore now. I didn’t realize how tight and restricted I truly was. I knew my body was twisted but the level I am at is mind boggling. I work on people for a living and I am so out of shape that I feel like a fraud sometimes. I know I am not, but sometimes I am like wow if I can’t fix myself how can I help others along their journey. But my massage was amazing, she released a lot of tightness and bound tissue. Her work was slow and steady, melting my tension like butter. It made me question some of my methods. It’s funny because she was the last massage therapist I have seen for myself, and now I am excited to work with her. I felt like my methods make me work so much harder then I truly need to, and I am so fascinated in learning new things so that I can be better. Not just for my clients health, but for mine as well. Selfish I know, but if I am beating myself up and getting burnt out then how can I even think I can assist others. 

There are so many techniques I want to learn and study. So many different things to learn so that I can one day just be like Boom bitch, your healed as I touch them. Haha. Well that’s an exaggeration, but on some level that would be amazing. A lot of the times when I work on clients I just have an idea and try it on them. Sometimes it works others its like meh, okay don’t do that again. Experimenting is something I love to do, that’s why I am always learning. Because it allows me to get creative. Apply 2 different techniques in one session to get this hip to rotate, Yay! That is why I love finding someone who knows something I don’t. Who may be more knowledgeable or knowing then me, so I can experience it and learn from it. That’s why I say always be open to learning. Always be a beacon for new ships to come in and dock. You never know what that knowledge will do for your future. 

Is there something you would like to learn? Do you have a desire to understand something you already do in more detail? Find someone who knows more about  it and pick their brain. You never know what comes from that. Maybe a mentor, or a friend. Maybe a colleague you can bounce ideas off of. Trading knowledge creates community, and that in turn changes the world. 

Today I was at a 8. Rather tired now after the massage. 


New Adventures


Embracing the Fear