
What if reality isn’t really what it seems. I know that so many people don’t believe in conspiracy theories or things going on in the background because why? We have all been indoctrinated to believe that this is our reality. That we have to pay taxes upon taxes, follow the rules and live beyond our means. We were put into this slave mentality since the day we were born and told what to think, how to feel and that we aren’t special. But what happens if the “tell-a-vision” people have all been pulling the wool over your eyes. The mind is an easy swayed thing. Think about your own experiences, how many times have you invoked anger over a memory, or that you believe your partner is not helping you with something? How many times have you been told lies by the news or the government that were set by an agenda? 

We live in a world where there is so much misinformation out there that we are led astray daily. Our lives are told that mental illness isn’t a real illness, and to disconnect the mind from the body. Control is the name of the game in todays world and any way that it can be maintained then we the docile sheep stay obedient to its command. We were programmed that we had to struggle to make our way in the world. That hard work was a sign of a true working citizen. Yet there are all these studies saying how human beings aren’t meant to sit at a desk for 40 hours or work that much. How productivity is lost after 3 days of work. We have become slaves to a way of living and that way of living taxes us upon taxes. 

It’s an abomination how many lies we are being spoon fed and believing. How our foods are filled with chemicals like dye #40 (a petroleum based chemical BTW) and poisoned with pesticides, herbicides, antibiotic bullshit. We are told that woman are suppose to be just “sex objects incapable of having a brain.” And men are the dominant creature with their brawn and their dicks. Our society is royally screwed up from the way we teach our children white washed bullcrap to doing math the hardest way possible… common core. We are dumbing down, over sexualizing children to be these provocative tik Tok stars while pedophils roam the streets. I know this sounds crazy but our world is beyond crazy and the more I hear about “conspiracy theories,” the more I realize wait a minute how much money is used every year by cnn, fox, and all that shit to mind control us so we don’t actually take notice of the “conspiracies.”

Did you know that right now in communist china that millions of muslims are being held in concentration camps. Like an actual genocide is happening and the news deflects with bullshit about who should be on the $20 bill. HUMAN BEINGS are being raped, and killed and we are so blinded to the atrocities of the outside world. We focus on the “riots” and crap here so that we forget about the other people dealing with far worst. Yet there are so many Americans blinded by close-minded beliefs because one side says this. There is no questioning of our candidates, of the way we are being treated. Instead we complain about how people received $600 a week on unemployment and that those people just are taking from the other hard working Americans, wah wah wah… instead of being like wow, why is the company I am working for not paying me a living wage? Why is the ceo getting a huge bonus even though he laid thousands off. We blame our fellow American for our poverty, our riots, instead of seeing that it is actually the government who is instilling this fear to divide so we stay blind. So we hate each other instead of rising against that government that takes constantly from us and provides us with nothing in return. 

How many Americans lost jobs, how many lost their housing or will lose their housing. They sent 2 bullshit stimulus checks while giving out millions to things we didn’t even know. I don’t know about you but it seems that the more I look up, the more I find out about the conspiracies the more I begin to see yea this is probably the truth. And I hope that you can start to do the research and look it up yourself. I know this was an intense, heavy post but today I had numerous conversations that led me to believe that our reality as we know it is all lies and bullshit. I mean look at all the declassified Cia documents that came out… Lied to for years, just wait for what is to come. It will blow your freaking mind. It is the age of Aquarius after all and that means all that was hidden will be revealed. Get ready kiddos!

Today was a10! 

Hope Ackerly


Self worth

