Love yourself More
Happy Easter my friends! Yesterday we spoke about loving yourself, and today I would like to continue on this topic. Because listen, you are with you for a lifetime don’t you want to enjoy it? To love yourself is a practice. You don’t take a class once on pottery and know how to make beautiful pieces. It takes work and dedication. Love is work and dedication. It isn’t happily ever afters and fairy tales. You must chose it everyday, begin with it. Put it in your coffee, replenish yourself with the love inside. I hope you took the time yesterday to write your own letters, they will be a tool you use throughout your journey. They were the beginning of your practice, the landmark. Every time you have doubt go back to it. Every time you need help go read it. Hopefully by the end of the journey you no longer need it, and you’ll write another. That one will be full of love and made from a place of true love, and not longing. So put on your badass desert sandals and walk through the desert with me. Through the thirst, and hunger of learning to love yourself.
I’m going to start this with saying, I love myself. That’s why we are are here anyways. I want those words to become weapons against the dark, wielding them like a great warrior in the face of danger. The rot and spoils trying to creep in like a plague, slowly consuming your spirit and clouding you to see. But your sword glows brilliantly against the hatred, and malice. It shines like a beacon of hope, burning confidence. Allow yourself to feel the words in your bones. Allowing your blood to pump throughout your body screaming I love you. This is the vigor and intensity I want from you when it comes to loving yourself. It must be with tenacity and sharp focus.
What happens when you begin to love yourself? Little things at first. You may not even notice them. When you have a view of the world that’s narrow and closed then when doors open you may not be able to notice them. As you love yourself be on the look out for life to create abundance for you. What if you don’t feel it? Listen ever hear the phrase, “fake it till you make it.” Well by faking it you lay down the pathways in your brains to become an automatic reflex. That quote is not just some hopeful notion, but a real tried and true method. Remember those pesky neural pathways, I know those silly things right? Well they lay the groundwork for all your thoughts, reactions, and feelings. Now what if you say something repeatedly over and over? You create a groove, and it gets deeper every time. Your brain starts to be like hmmm, this looks like the right path, let me go down this one. And that’s when loving yourself becomes automatic.
I love myself. That is what my truth is. What is your truth? Do you tell yourself that your ugly, or stupid? Do you tell yourself, Well I can’t do anything right? What are some “truths” you tell yourself? I want you to catch yourself every time you start using those lies, yes lies. Because you are a brilliant human being who is made of stardust and magic. Don’t let those ugly truths influence the way you love yourself. Cast them away and take back the courage to fight. Go in wielding your sword of a thousand truths, with every truth screaming I love myself. Because that is how you change the lies. By loving yourself. Use the light to face dark, because the dark is just the absence of light.
Here is a question that I read from the book Love yourself like your life depends on it by Kamal Ravikant, “If I love myself truly and deeply, would I let myself experience this? This question shifts you back to a place of self love. Are you in a negative loop of self destruction? Or are you in a fight with a friend over some drama that doesn’t matter? Ask the question. It will take out the noise and stop the cycle of old to create a way to get back to the truth, I love myself. When old wounds come up, or you go into a place that’s depressed or anxious, I want you to cycle back to this. Read the letter, tell yourself I love myself. Ask the question. Then sit with yourself in meditation repeating that phrase. Some days will be harder then others. Some days you may not see a point in this, but don’t give up. Follow through. Love yourself harder.
We are all worthy of love, and that love starts with you. Are you ready to practice? Are you ready to go the distance? I love myself. I love myself.