Home Improvement
I use to have mismatched furniture and a space I never felt truly proud of. It always felt ugly to me and all I wanted was to create a space that reflects how I feel about me now. So I repainted a piece, put up shelves, curtains and did it up in my new place. I am sitting in my living room in my amazing lovesac couch typing and just in awe of the things I created for myself. I just remember my 18 year old self barely having anything to survive off of and here I am sitting in this beautiful space, doing home improvements and affording the life I have.
Do you know how rewarding that is? To work on something and see how it ties everything together, or gives you some satisfaction after it’s done? It feels brilliant! I spent a good part of my life feeling worthless, unlovable, and just plan trash, but here I am proving myself wrong. Proving to that stupid story that it was just a big flipping tall tale.
So what are some things that could use some improvement in your life? Things that could make your home feel new, fresh, or even more comfortable. It doesn’t always have to be some big improvement, maybe you paint a wall, or you get accent pillows. Maybe you clear the energy with your partner or family and that helps. Home improvement doesn’t always have to be a physical change, it can be an emotional one. When you work on your inner self the outer self and world reflects your inner one.
This will be short today. Tune in again tomorrow!
Today was a 8.