The Storm
Until I get power in my place my posts may not be seen until the day after. Yesterday we lost power due to a storm. Being without power really gets you thinking about things. It’s a real way to disconnect from the world. When I got home to discover that I had no WiFi and no power I sat with it and decided to do some work on things I have postponed. It gave me time to think and to do the things I feared.
So if you are without power or WiFi find the blessing in it. Allow yourself to be present in the moment and find peace and resolve in it. You never know what will happen until you take the leap and put yourself out there. You can be scared all the time and never get anything done, or you can fucking take charge and do the work. For a while I didn’t. I let things go by because of fear. I was so afraid to take a chance on myself and others. I was letting life pass me by and asking why isn’t anything changing. But change comes from you, not life. Life is happening for you all the time but it’s your choice whether you are going to fucking greet it or slam the door in its face. Sure shit happens but ultimately you chose what to do with it. You are the master of your own destiny and if you can’t take ownership of that then you wind up blaming everyone else. It’s easier to blame others when work is required of you because the easy way out is just that, easy.
So if you are able to be devoid of power and WiFi give yourself the space to look inside and figure out what it is you want. Then fucking tackle that shit. It up to you, and will always be.
Today was a 6. No ac, really sucked!