Beliefs about yourself
Today I woke up with my doggo having swollen eyes. Since then he is now doing much better but boy was I scared. Besides that I have been really sitting with the resistance thing I spoke about the other day. And realized that I have a lot of resistance to success. I place on myself this limit because how I grew up and my background has created this foundational belief about myself. That I am only capable of struggling like my father or my mother. I don’t blame them for that belief in me because I am responsible for myself. I just think that I avoid things that could create success and wealth because of that belief.
What do you believe about yourself that holds you back? Like I know we spoke about resistance and hopefully that got you somewhere closer to understanding what holds you back. The thing about this thing though is it’s in your head. It is not real unless you give it power. This old belief is just that something that you either learned, or made a part of your identity and it served you for a time, but as you grow and learn who you are it no longer serves you.
As kids and young adults we take in the world around us. Our parents, families, friends, and experiences tell us how we fit in the world. They teach us how to be accepted by our families and friends, and those beliefs become the foundation of how you approach the world. But as you dive into yourself you pick apart the things that work and don’t. That is when you can notice what you resist for yourself. That is what happened for me. My breakthrough started over 3 years ago now and slowly I began to peel the onion of my inner self. That is how I got here now.
So what can we do to change this old belief? Be around people who prove it’s possible to go against it. Challenge yourself to do something that goes against that belief. For me I have this belief I won’t be able to afford the life I want by getting a house and having a future, but I have proved it to myself numerous times that I can. Work on one small thing at a time to move forward. If you need to talk to someone to help you move forward. Life coach, therapist, etc. That way you have an unbiased opinion who will be honest and give you ways to push forward.
I hope you are able to find your limit and they crush the fuck outta it. Make it your bitch and see that you are an absolute beautiful human being. Good luck my friends!
Today was a 8 only because of the fear i had for my little bubb dog.