
What does it mean to have relationships? This is not just about a love interest. This is about all relationships. Parents, friends, siblings, family, yourself, pets. These are relationships. But what are these types of connections? And how can we improve them?

No matter whether we are connected by blood or choice, relationships matter for our own sanity. Introvert or not, social connections are extremely important to humanity. We are a social creature after all, and to go through this time of social distancing can cause emotions to become high and intense. You can just look around and see the importance of social interactions. Connections with others lead to more joy, happiness, and drive in your life. Without them it can lead to depression, withdrawal, and even worst.

Relationships are connections with other people or living creature. There can be levels at which relationships stand at from acquaintances to intimate to familial to friends. Every relationship is different and the distance or closeness in each relationship is dependent from person to person. You can know 500 people but still feel lonely, or you can have 5 friends and feel like you have enough. The difference is based on the person. Whether they allow a true bond to form, or if they fill it with superficiality and facebook likes. What do your relationships look like? Do you see people as a convenience to not be alone? Or do you have people that you share deep connections with? What would you like your relationships to look like? What have you personally done to create better connections with others? What are some things we can do in order to make relationships stronger?

Accept everyone where they are at, without judgement of their mistakes and flaws. If someone is timid maybe they have a reason? If someone takes work to know, are you going to put in the work to know them? If someone makes a mistake over and over or just crosses your boundaries do you dismiss them? You absolutely can, but know by accepting someone where they are for all their imperfections will allow you to forge a better bond with them.You can’t change anyone, you can’t demand something of someone, you can only accept them or not.

Another thing you can do is show up for these relationships. Do the people in your life feel loved by you? Have you done anything to show them how much you care about them and value this connection? Ask yourself what can I do today to show someone I love just how much I love them. Or even someone who you want to get to know better. Show them your time, and make an effort.

Ask yourself what kind of person am I when it comes to relationships. Use this time of isolation to find solitude and open yourself up to find out what kind of person you are in relationships. Are you a giver? A taker? A blend of both? This may help you determine how easy or hard it is for you to form true connections. Givers form bonds more easily because they ask how can I give to the other person or people. Takers are self serving, how can this person or thing serve me. And the blend of both is a combination of the 2. Look at the relationships you have had, or have to figure out your role in them. Perhaps by truly accepting and understanding yourself will you see how you can find real connections with others.

When it comes to relationships they take work. Any relationship you have with another will require you to communicate. To share yourself, your feelings, and your differences, will help to build better boundaries and bonds. By communicating it can take old grudges and stories and transform them into a new found friendship. So allow yourself to let go of the past and create a better future. Whether you want to admit it or not you need relationships. From work, to school, to religion, to government, these are all relationships in your life. You can either resist and keep away from people, or you can learn how to create more abundant connections with others. The choice is yours. What are you going to chose?



