Muscles and our mind
Get ready for an interesting blog today peoples.....
Today while doing another hike I found my right leg to be in so much pain. The day prior I had fallen during a hike but felt fine. It was a hard fall and when I landed I was in a full side plank from it. The person I was hiking with was impressed because I didn’t get any dirt on me whatsoever. Yea I am Spider-Man with my reflexes. But this fall brought up a lot of pain for me today. I couldn’t pin point it until I started to go through the range of motion and muscles movements.
Muscles are surrounded by fascia and ligaments and all these supportive cables that keep them intact and supported. They require work but if they are weak then you could strain them, if they are overworked you could strain them, if there is misalignment you could strain them. All these types of issues no wonder I see so many clients for aches and pains. Today while hiking my calves felt swollen and inflamed and that shot up into my knee and joints. I chalked it up to the 6.2 mile hike I did the day previously but could it actually be more? Hell yes it was.
They carry much more then just your physical body, and today I was going through something I couldn’t explain. I got super emotional today and it was because of how much was stored in my leg without me seeing it. I felt unsupported and wanted so badly to be a part of a group. I didn’t want to feel this way anymore so I decided to go for another hike and go sit in nature. The hike was horrible. because my legs were screaming. I got to the top and decided I needed to talk to a PT to assist me with pelvic floor stabilization techniques along with core. I figured since I haven’t been working out these areas were causing the pain. It wasn’t until I got home and was foam rolling that I felt behind my knee and the back of my upper thigh. OH dear god what did I do. I was so oblivious to the extreme tightness that was back there. There was so much scar tissue and tension it took me an hour to work through a lot of it. But now my knee moves without restriction.
Our bodies have this amazing ability to compensate and utilize other areas to stabilize and support the rest of us. That is what was happening for a long time. My hamstring was so unbelievably restricted with adhesions that it pulled into my calf causing inflammation and tension. So many times when my clients come in with low back pain, knee pain, any type of pain, I know it has nothing usually to do with these areas. Where you feel the pain is not necessarily where the pain is and for me this was proven even more today. Me working on my hamstring unlocked my knee and the inability of the fibula to rotate. I didn’t realize how bad it was restricted. I still have more adhesions to work through and open up but my leg feels 1000x lighter then it has in a while. Even when I stretch or do any kind of foam rolling it didn’t help release this pain. I wish I could teach people how to heal themselves through touch. I wish I could explain how to feel but so many times when I work on someone it is intuition along with energy transmuting. My hands know where to go before my brain does. Sure I put that science and logic to work to help with the detective work, but my hands listen and are guided by someone else’s energy. I see their body and take that in. Sight is touch from a distance because it allows my hands to see what my brain can not connect.
Are you having muscle pain? Trace the pain with your hands till you feel areas of tension. Then give yourself a self massage, foam roll or use a lacrosse ball. Ask yourself if anything arises in you that triggered the muscles to react this way. I believe that every area of the body is connected to some part of our psyche. The legs support us so I think that maybe they are all about our family, relationships, how we support and accept ourselves. I am working on trying to understand the emotional componente of the muscles, why things get trapped in the body, where they get trapped and how. Sure I took emotion code but I think it’s more then just electric impulses that create these emotions to get trapped in our body. I believe we radiate at different frequencies every second dependent on the emotions we are feeling. That frequency is turned into an electrical charge that is then diffused throughout the body. And I believe that the reason for reoccurring things like ptsd or doing the same thing and expecting a different result is because that frequency is turned on and anything that was attached to it is relived. Now how do you break that? I’m still trying to figure this out myself. But there is a way and I am not even sure that any of this is accurate but I believe frequencies are the way of the future. And until we understand them we won’t have medicine that helps us. Our current medicine is barbaric and sure it gets better everyday but I believe that in order for us to understand what makes us sick we must look into the energy we are composed of. Sorry I went off on a huge rant about this. I ramble when I am tired and get theoretical.
Also I think when we break through the areas of tension and scar tissue and adhesions we create emotional releases. I was bound up with emotions regarding support and feelings of being left out for a while and once I worked on this physically I didn’t feel that way anymore. Could all these restrictions and tension actually be the cage we put ourselves in? Could all those limiting beliefs be what causes our bodies to become restricted? A restricted range of motion could be a sign of a closed mind pertaining to a certain view. Could our bodies be a road map into our very psyche?
Today I was at a 7 even though I was emotional and tired.