
One of my favorite things to do is learn something new that I didn’t know before or learn how to do something differently. It helps fuel my imagination, innovation and invoke my creative edge, yet lately I find myself so focused on moving forwards and allowing myself downtime that I haven’t nourished that side of myself. I’ve also pulled back from the video logs as well because the creative spark I normally have has been flooded by an absorbent amount of stress from my move in May. It’s good stress and yes I am excited about it, but I find myself unable to start new things because my focus keeps getting drawn back to making my wellness studio as amazing as I can. So if you had the opportunity what would be one thing you would love to learn or experience to enhance your current skill or open to a new skill?

Me, I would love to do a cadaver class. That is something I dream about. I know it seems psycho, but maybe I am? No, it’s not that, I am fascinated with the human body. Doing a class that would allow me to not only see what is inside us but touch everything would put a whole new perspective to what I do. It took me years to truly understand touch. It wasn’t until 5 years into my massage career that I even understood what I was touching. You may be like what? But seriously when you touch, do you know what you are truly feeling? Can you feel every little fiber that is adhered to the muscle or bone? Can you feel the tendon and be able to tell the difference between that and a muscle. If so, awesome. But for me it took a while to truly feel the distinctions in tissue. Even now I still find myself learning what I am truly feeling and always asking how can I make it move. 

Taking a cadaver class for me would allow me to see the fascia and touch it. Perhaps see how to work with it, or move it. I would get to feel the organs and understand their fragility more and how to apply touch to them. I could see the muscles and see how they actually play with the tendons and ligaments and bones. And yes before you say watch a YouTube, or read a book. I am a tactile learner. Touch is how I learn. I can’t watch a YouTube and fully apply that into a session because I need to feel it and touch it to truly understand. Touch is how I express myself, like a sculptor, but for the human body. Everyone is different in their approach to learning and expression, so what is yours? Can you read something and then apply it into action? Can you watch a video and then apply it to action? Do you need to actually be doing something that someone else is teaching you to do? We all are wired different, so what’s your learning language?

Learning is a true gift for us as a species. To be able to take knowledge in an apply it to whatever it is we are doing is a wondrous thing. So what is it that you have always wanted to learn? What have you say someday too or if I had more time? Maybe it’s been a secret passion because you are to afraid to throw yourself out there? Whatever it is you are never to late to the game to learn. When we learn things it helps in our own growth. It also allows us to become open to new ideas, new possibilities, new dreams because learning is never ending. The moment you stop learning is the moment you stay stuck and stagnant and become set in your ways. I already know this so why do it another way? But what if the way you learned in the past is no longer relevant to today’s world? 

Did you know that learning a new skill or a new approach to a skill has some really great benefits? Some of the benefits include:

Changing your brain chemistry.

Your learning speed increases.

You make connections between skill areas.

You become more interesting.

It fights boredom. 

You adapt better to change. 

It could help with dementia. 

These are just some of the benefits, why wouldn’t you want to be learning as much as you can? Learning also helps renew your self-motivation, so if you want to start getting fired up go learn something. Like maybe you like going to the gym but have no idea how to write your own programming. Well maybe you go to a gym that already has the programming or do something online that has the programing. Then you follow it and learn about why they are doing it the way they are. That right there allows you to figure out 1. What works for you, 2. How to do your own programing 3. Researching a bunch of different exercises and technique 4. How your body works and applies to you, and so on. Learning is like a rabbit hole. Once you figure out what you want to learn there could be endless applications and ways it applies to other things in your life. It could bring you deeper and deeper into the subject and create a plethora of knowledge for you and open up a whole new world. 

Learning is how we figure out what we want, what we like, what we don’t like, what bores us, what interests us, what we are passionate about and so on. So to hate learning is, I believe a form of self hatred. So I ask you now what you want to learn about next? Maybe you want to learn about all the sub species of moths and their gestation and transformation processes? Maybe you want to learn about the earth and all the layers it has and how that applies to global warming? Maybe you want to learn how to speak another language? Whatever it is you wish to learn it is never to late to begin. So quit waiting around for something to spark your motivation and go out there and take charge! It will make you more motivated to do more, learn more, and be more, get to learning my friends. 

Today was a 7. 

Hope Ackerly


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1 Year Anniversary: Consistency