First Day of Work

After working on a few clients today my motivation took control and started pushing me back into work mode. I tried for weeks leading up to the big day to feel excitement, I tried studying, but my heart just felt lost in it. I felt like what’s the point. That feeling is a scary feeling and not something I usually lean towards. Normally even when I am down I can smack myself into work mode but damn this quarantine gave me the shakedown of a lifetime. 

I couldn’t believe that working would bring me back to life and feel so unbelievably great. I am an acts of service person, and my hands are how I talk. These things I knew but I wasn’t aware of how deep that went. By now you can tell I am a very emotional person, sensitive and always analyzing everything. So to become aware of those things on a real level helped refocus my reality, and shift to realize oh shit Hope look at the truth. You are important and loved, you are a healer and to keep working hard. That everything you thought during this quarantine about your place in the world is utter bullshit. 

How did you feel during this quarantine? Did your heart sink and you teeter totter on the edge? Where you motivated and getting after everything? Did you have good days and bad? However you felt is okay. You are not alone in it, as much as it may feel like that you are not alone. I know it may not feel like things are shifting for the better but they slowly are. With everything opening up soon you will be complaining about whatever you did before all this. Hopefully you work on not complaining but hey who am I to tell you how to live your life. But as soon as your working and starting to get after the things you want I bet you will start to feel like you are part of the world again. That there wasn’t all these cubicles in place and everyone had to stay in their own. And if you don’t then what can you do to change that?

What would help you see your supported and that you matter? Is there one thing that you can do today to make it a little less easier and pull you off the edge? Do you need assistance getting there? Ask a friend, find a group, do whatever you have to because you matter. People care, even when you don’t think they do, they do! I hope you have days filled with joy and magic!

Today was my first 10 ever!! Woohooo!!! YAY!


Embracing the Fear


Reconnect after Isolation