
Oh my goodness! Next week I start my vacation! Beaches and sunshine and decompression from work, YAY!! I can’t tell you how much I need a vacation! My heart is in need of some free flying adventure time. Travel is something I love more than anything. It’s what fuels me and gets me re-vitalized and inspired. The past 2 years with Covid there hasn’t been much adventuring for me and that is why I am making sure to now start doing trips more often. When was your last vacation? Did it leave you rested and relaxed? 

This week has been a challenge for me because I am drained mentally, physically and spiritually. I have been consistent with my 30 day challenge and am wrapping up my week 2. This week was definitely harder than others because I am so close to my vacation plus I am just having a hard time staying motivated since yoga is off the table. With my back acting up it has slowly pushed me into a place of feeling defeated. At work it hurts, laying down it hurts, moving it hurts, everything hurts it and that is just really putting a damper on my creativity, my hunger for more and my persistence. I’ve had injuries before and they have surely created the same defeated nature in me but this time this one is my livelihood being affected, and my movement.

That is why I am so excited for this vacation. I’m hoping a week away will let me just find healing, find fun and just re-inspire me to take charge like a charging rhino! With vacation coming up I am still bringing my laptop and going to be working on blogs throughout the week and this week is all about preplanning! That’s right instead of not knowing what to write until the time I write I am now coming up with a list of everything I am going to talk about through the week! Tomorrow being the start of Week 3 I will get on this after work is done for the day! That will allow me to relax a bit more and help me create more consistency for myself. My creativity seems to be random but if I can make a list of what to talk about then I won’t stumble as much when writing. 

Remember in anything you do it doesn’t have to be pretty you just have to do it! And today was sure not a pretty blog. I know some people say quality over quantity and yes of course that is true, but this challenge is about writing everyday and this weeks goal is to do it even if I don’t want to. This is how you create better habits. See you tomorrow! 

Today was a 4. 


Taking time to think


Head Banging. Door opening: Inner Child Work