The How
When we know our why, now it’s time to kick it up a notch and get into our how! So I want to talk about 2 different how’s, one being the intuitive part, and the other making a plan and taking steps. Now if you are always focused on manifesting then you are not creating momentum. You have to believe it’s coming to you and wait for it to come to you. That is where the intuition kicks in.
Have you ever had a feeling that you should go a different route home or maybe you need to stop somewhere when it wasn’t on your agenda? Well that is your intuition kicking in. It’s aligning with the universe to guide you to get to where you want to be getting to. Maybe you meet someone there that will guide you, or be a part of making that goal happen. Things are always opening up for you but if you are just completely stuck in how things aren’t happening and day dreaming about manifesting you won’t allow your intuition to be heard. It’s just create, create, create, create, and no actual momentum given to that.
Imagine you are making all these posters for this lost cat. You keep printing another and another, but you aren’t putting any up. You don’t ask others for help. You don’t make any posts on social media. All you are doing is printing flyers. The same goes for manifesting. You can’t just hit print constantly and expect everything you want to come to you. The next part of the how is actually doing. It’s the part where you put up those flyers, wait with the litter box outside, make posts on social media. The second part of the how is taking small actions and rely on, and believe the universe will provide.
When you ask for help from others it creates a momentum. You ask someone for help with this more people = more momentum. If you had a single person pushing a car it would take forever and may not even get to where it needs to be. But if you had help, then that car would be to where it’s suppose to in no time. So that thing you want to do or create put it out there and see what happens. You don’t have to tell every detail or how it works. You can simply ask hey I’m looking for this green rug for my office. If you hear of anything let me know. Then let it go. Know it’s on its way to you and then focus on some actions after that goal. By focusing on the fact you just created momentum by letting go and allowing the universe to bring it to you then the next things will also have the same momentum.
So the how is simple, hit that print button and then take actionable steps towards the goal. Trust your intuition, and learn to let go and believe. When you know it’s coming let your mind focus on other things that will help you get to where you wish to be. I remember one time I lost this little trinket I had carried with me everywhere. I could not find it but a moment happened where instead of allowing myself to believe it was lost I said no, it will come back to me. Over 2 weeks I would have moments where I would think about the lost trinket and I said no it’s going to come back to me instead of believing its gone. Then after a month or so of it being lost guess what I found. The trinket. I had not allowed myself to keep focusing on it being lost, instead I believed it was found and was making its way back to me. The same thing goes for your dreams. They need to be believed they are yours so they can make their way to you when you are ready to truly receive them.
Today was a 7.