Winter go away
I hate winter, I lose track of days and my moods dip and become lethargic like I’m some bear in need of hibernation. On top of that the cold is my nightmare. My fingers and toes always frozen little meat icicles. For me winter is not a time of outings and adventure but a time of reclusiveness and many naps. I find it difficult to find the energy to do things and long for white sandy beaches and hot desserts. Seasonal affective disorder becomes my bread and butter no matter how much I work out, eat right, without the sun I’m useless. I long for the warm sun to embrace my cheeks and keep me outdoors in nature and every glimpse of warmer weather I pray can winter be ending. For a moment I am beyond happy because I think about the outdoor things I want to do. Especially since this pandemic most of them have been cancelled. Year 2 of this nonsense and I am beyond done with it. Is this winter more intense than years past or is it just me? Or is it all this ptsd from the eruption of this plague on society. All’s I know is that everyday it’s cold I think about moving where it's warm, where I can see the sun and walk outside without a winter coat.
Every year I know how the weather effects me so yet I always question it like wait is that really what’s happening or is it just me. The shorter days of no sun and frigid weather leaves me done with things. I am in need of a break from New York and lately it’s been feeling more permanent. For a while now I have thought of moving out west, starting over, taking the challenge and just taking the leap. It’s at the forefront of my mind, move to a place with warm weather and trees and hiking and possibly vortex, find a like minded community of metaphysics people, self help and self care people. The ones who push beyond the physical boundaries of our existence and then push some more. Here I feel like I am bashing my head against the same wall, the same people, the same cycles and I am ready to find a mentor, to find a community, to find a warm nurturing place to be and sail away from the cold. The thing is I love when it snows, the quiet, the white, the beauty is truly amazing. But the cold I’d rather not.
What do you do during these cold months? I don’t like skiing, or snowboarding or any of those types of things. It’s not for me. I tried but I just don’t enjoy sliding down a hill strapped into sleds made for your feet. If that’s your thing great but I’ll stay inside reading a book by the fireplace drinking tea while you go out. What are some things you do to keep your energy up during these winter months? How do you spend time with others when the cold comes around? Offer me some tips on what you do to deal with the long days of winter because I am so done with it already.
Today was a 5.