How a year can change your life.
It’s crazy to see how one year can change everything? Starting this blog last year I didn’t know where it would take me or what it would become for me. I was in a dark space, jut coasting by financially and so doubtful that I was ever going anywhere in my life. Sure I had a private practice but I was not investing in my business or more so investing in myself. I went through quarantine in a place where everyday was the edge and slowly I was tiptoeing towards it slowly sinking down further. It was scary and not the good kind of scary it was the bad kind.
But looking back I can see how anyone can get stuck in that. It’s not an easy climb but if you ever want to progress you have to get comfortable being uncomfortable. Even now I am in a much better place yet there is still this uncomfortableness I’m facing. Being a single entrepreneur is fine, everything is on you, your schedule, marketing, what have you. But now I am leaping into the role of business owner of a small wellness studio where I have invested in branding, in my space, in ME! Never before have I done this and I look at the time, energy and money I have put into it and I am baffled. When I walk into my new space I look around like wow, I did this? Huh? And the uncomfortable part is learning how to run an actual business with employees and classes and promoting others and scheduling others and so on. I took a leap but part of me is still dancing around with this low self worth, quiet “poor girl” mentality. I am working on shedding this fear by doing the only thing I know how, charging like a god damn rhino forwards!
The only way up is by charging hard and fast and doing one step at a time. You won’t know how to do something until you are doing it and this I keep reminding myself over and over. I also keep reminding myself that it all doesn’t have to be done and wrapped in a neat little package before May. Once I move in then I can begin to figure out how each thing fits and start implementing new people and working on building my team. I have a few people already that are interested so it’s exciting and each one of them brings a unique quality I like. The team I am building is great and I know that the studio will be way more successful then I even realized, yet that little old belief keeps creeping in, you are suppose to be alone, no one likes you, you aren’t capable. I know it’s silly, these stupid little beliefs set my teeth on edge especially when I am trying to manage everything and cause me to lose faith and feel alone. So if you are going through something and that little voice comes in to beat you up and bully you just push back. Prove it the fuck wrong!
Literally every time it tries to tell me I am not shiny and refined enough for business I look myself in the mirror and grin. I accept it as a fucking challenge, sure I may get anxiety or stressed but I take that little negative and multiply it until it’s positive. (2 negatives make a positive, right?) I fight it back with well your just some mean bully who wants to put me down and you also have a really big pimple. OHhhhh burn, but then that voice shuts the fuck up. Why? Because if you sit and take what your inner bully says to heart and take the beating you begin to believe it. But if instead you sass that motherfucker right back and stand up against the bully that is when you gain confidence and courage and even a little more sass. That’s right standing up to your own bully side is how you make it sit down and shut up. You have to give back in a way that reminds it, it’s being negative but isn’t attacking it with negative comments like yea well you are ugly because remember your bully is you. It’s just a scared, old limiting belief version that doesn’t like this new shiny dazzling diamond.
So every time it creeps in and starts up on you remember you don’t have to accept it as your reality. You can find ways to stand up to it like proving it wrong by doing what it says you can’t, standing up for yourself, loving on it or just ask it why it choses to believe what it does. your bully may be something you haven’t ever stood up to and maybe it won’t leave or change until you decide to change with it. Keep charging at your dreams even if you have doubts, even if you hear the noise from the demons, keep doing it anyways. Because in one year you could have a completely different life. Persistence and consistency is key to success. The more consistent you are the more results you will see. Persistence comes from being to damn stubborn to quit. Be a force and compete against yourself everyday. You got this you badass, little by little, one chunk at a time. BELIEVE IT!!!