What steps to take to avoid a freak out

“I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.- Douglas Adams, one of my favorite writers. But seriously deadlines create a lot of turmoil, all these things you have to do in order to get the task at hand done at the time it’s needed. It can create a lot of anxiety and pressure. For instance I have 2 weeks until I move my office into my new studio and yes things are getting done but that pressure of trying to get things done before hand is stressful. (It’s a great stress to have but nonetheless stress.) So what steps am I taking in order to avoid a melt down freak out? Let’s go!!

  1. Get clarity

You can literally start freaking out over something because it’s not getting done at the pace you want it to or thought it would be. If you are working with a team or waiting on a product or have some external force outside yourself then speak to the person handling it. The sooner you can get clarity from someone else about something not in your control the better you will feel. Otherwise you will start going down a rabbit hole of all the things outside of your control and slowly have a freaking melt down. I know, I’ve been there. 

2. Make lists

This one is super helpful for those who need help getting clarity. This puts everything down on paper and allows you to check everything off as it arises, gets accomplished or needs attention. When making a list put the items that need more of a priority at the top and then go from there. You can also separate the list into categories such as actions needed, items to purchase and so on. Also remember to use empowering language to help encourage you to take action. Instead of things to do at the top, perhaps say Things I get to do to help alleviate stress- list!

3. Breathe

When you stop breathing you stop living. When you take shallow breaths or even stop all together you put your brain into panic mode. This only starts the count down into freak out mode. Stop holding your breath, it only creates more stress and anxiety on your body. When we take large deep breaths of air this allows our central nervous system to relax and think more clearly. 

4. Talk to yourself.

This may be weird but talk to yourself about all the things you need to do. While your driving in the car just start having a conversation with yourself. This could be a general check in with your mood, your stress, or just having a scream fest. Allowing yourself to get things out even if no one hears iit s super rewarding. Some of the benefits from talking to yourself include motivation, staying focused, help you find things, memory and it can help you process things that are difficult like emotions and feelings. When you do any of this though please like I said in #2 use empowering language and be positive as much as possible, ask the right questions. Also it’s okay to speak in second person here if you struggle with self-compassion. 

5. Affirmations

Affirmations are great but they need to be something true because we all have a bullshit meter,. Saying things like I am a millionaire may trigger your bs meter to be like wow that’s a load of shit. Instead of that phrase maybe say something like I am working hard daily to accumulate wealth and abundance. It’s true and may resonate with you more then something that seems false to you. Break it down so that the affirmation is a truth, a positive, and empowering that way you uplift yourself.

6. Meditate

Everyone thinks you need to have a silent place in the most serene place possible to meditate and sure that’s a fine thing but meditation is the letting go of the things around you and being present in the moment. So if you are about to freak out or are currently close your eyes and focus on your breath. Allow yourself to focus on that and use your other senses to get a sense of what is around you. The noises, the smells, the feeling of the air, allow yourself to truly be immersed in it, even if you are in the middle of the city in a taxi hearing honking and screaming people, just breathe into it and let go. When you are able to refocus even in the loudest of spaces then those silent ones will bring you the opportunities to go inward and focus on you. You can begin with 5 minutes a day and go from there. Find opportunities to meditate in the craziest places so that when you do get the quiet you’re able to let go of the outside world and go in. 

7. Find someone to speak to

This can be a friend, your partner, your parents, your therapist or your pet. When you need help calming down turn to someone who helps you get grounded and feel safe. During times of stress it’s good to have someone who can help bring you back from that edge. It can be hard to find and in those moments you can feel alone but reach out. Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness but one of strength. It shows you are able to be vulnerable and trust others when you don’t feel like yourself. When you do this like I said earlier about empowering language make sure this person has your best interest at heart and supports you. If they are only bringing you down, complaining, or agreeing with your freakout mentality then it’s time to find others who will bring you up. 

8. Make sure to have a balanced diet

If you are feeling anxious try to determine if it’s mental stress or maybe your body craving food. Maybe you are panicking because you didn’t eat enough healthy fats or protein. Having a well balanced diet that is catered to your dietary restrictions or choices is key to helping keep that gut healthy. And from a later blog gut health can translate into mental health. Keep it healthy and you may not have as many freak outs. 

9. Drink some water

Again besides a well balanced diet, dehydration can put a lot of stress on your body. Imagine if you are strung out on coffee and sodas. That’s like putting diesel into your gasoline car and expecting it to drive off into the sunset. You need water to replace the water you lose and to help keep your system functioning optimally. Drink up! 

10. Go get some exercise

If you can, go for a run or lift some weights when you are feeling overwhelmed. It will help you focus, process and readjust yourself to meet those deadlines. Plus you are getting a boost of endorphins that will boost your mood and create a healthy immune system. Our bodies need movement so get out of your head by getting into your body with a hike or going ham on a rowing machine. Take a spin class or a water aerobics class. Not only will it boost your energy levels but being surrounded by others will help ease your mind as well. We are social creatures so if you do something with others even if you don’t know them that unity creates a sense of community making you feel less alone. 

Use some of these things on the list to help you break free from the freak out and step up into your greatness. Life can be stressful and obstacles arise daily but don’t allow those things to bring you down, instead let them be opportunities for you to practice grounding and letting go. That way you start making steps towards healthy habits that help reduce stress and anxiety. I am not saying it’s easy because I still have freak outs and get overwhelmed but having these outlets as a way for me to ground and come out of it has helped me dramatically. These can help you as well if you decide to give it a chance. 

So next time you are feeling it I am challenge you right now to test out some of these steps to avoiding the freak out. Save the list in your notes or hand write it and put it in your wallet. See how it feels after you tried it, write down the things you liked, the ones that worked or didn’t work for you. Try to combine a few of them and figure out what is right for you. What may help one person may not with another, we are all unique people so chose what is best for you. Even come up with your own, and then drop them in the comments below. Share your own strategies for avoiding a freak out as well. You never know, your advice could help someone so share!! 

Today was a 8.

Hope Ackerly


How a year can change your life.


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