The Story

When you wake up in the morning what’s the first thing you tell yourself? Do you reach for your phone and start your day off checking emails, texts, and notifications? Are you entrenched in the things outside yourself? Do you check in with yourself? See how your feeling, maybe even take in the morning first and find a reason to be grateful? Where do you go to first when you open your eyes?

When you first wake up, in those first seconds that Is when you are closest to yourself and source energy. It’s literally the best time to find reasons to be grateful, set intentions for the day, do affirmations, and get that story inside your head right. What I mean is all the things you believe you are, all the things you want to achieve but tell yourself you can’t possibly do it. All the negatives, the lies, the misinformed things that go through your mind, this moment before you check your phone or do something else is the perfect time to shift your mentality. 

So tomorrow morning I want you to wake up and just start with some deep breathing. Really feel the breath go into your body and see if you get stuck anywhere or on anything. If you do I want you to imagine your breath is this beautiful glowing water that is pouring inside of you and all those stuck places are like a drain being clogged. Allow your breath to rush to those areas and push that clog out and as you exhale pretend it’s going down the drain and leaving your body. Take 15 minutes in the morning to breathe, to give yourself a little love with affirmations or pep talks. Everyday you get to wake up is a blessing, and everyday you don’t start your day with a great mentality or awareness into yourself you jip yourself on the best part of your day, YOU! 

I use to see myself as a guarded kind of bitchy person that no one liked. I use to feel like people talked bad about me behind my back and that I am just to much of an idiot to be capable of greatness. I believed this until yesterday because yesterday I found out the truth. I decided to ask my friends a single question that changed everything for me. If I was to have a YouTube channel what would I be doing. The responses I got were all so similar, hype woman, motivation, doge coin or crypto (which I am not fluent in at all), frequencies and energy, all because I give off that nurturing and healing vibe and I’m a caring genuine person. WHAT? I literally got that so much and was like wait, please put your seats to an upright position for landing. Wait you’re telling me I have been viewing who I am wrong? It was a light that went off in my head and my day instantly got better. 

I had been telling myself the wrong story. I told myself no one liked me, that everyone was judging me, that I wasn’t good enough or nice enough because for years the stuff I went through with my family led me to these beliefs about myself. When I was a kid I was super curious about everything, loved the piano and could hear a song and play it back to a degree. I loved math and studying math and was very very animated. Then life happened. I was picked on in school. Dealt with family things for years. Lived in a group home then a new family. Lived on my own at 17 and have been made to feel like I was the problem. I was a bad kid. I was this horrible drama filled child and everything was my fault. These real things made me identify with that story that no one liked me. I wasn’t good enough. I wasn’t smart enough. And all along it was wrong. 

Today I woke up feel for the first time that I was a happy, bubbly, brilliant woman.  I woke up feeling grateful for my clients, grateful for my work, grateful for what I built for myself all because I got right with myself when I woke up. I started my day affirming I was those things and believing in myself. You see when you start your day off with a daily dose of YOU, by taking those 10-15 minutes to be present and greet the day you will find everything gets brighter and better. My day was great because I shifted my mentality. I chose to honor myself instead of lying to myself. We all fight our demons and have shit that we have gone through in our life and the only person we need to prove anything to is ourself. When you realize the truth that is when you get to shift your whole perspective. So when you wake up tomorrow try it out. Take some time for you, to breathe, to stare at the ceiling and go inward, to meditate, to ask yourself questions. It could change your life one morning at a time. 

Today was a 10. 

Hope Ackerly


Break time


Just going with it