Just going with it
It’s funny for me how many times I say this to others, or just say it to myself and it hasn’t registered for a while. Everyday I work on letting go of old beliefs and negativities and working on bringing in abundance and positivity. But the problem is I don’t think we need to work on ourselves everyday, or maybe it’s more that we shouldn’t put expectations and pressure on ourselves to rise, or level up, or change.
February was a low energy month for me. It’s half way done and I am excited to be closer to March and the warmer weather and sunshine. But this month I put so much pressure on myself for numerous things all at once while still expecting myself to rise up. Today while massaging I got into it again and just let myself. I let the other thoughts about the future, about others, about myself, just fade off into the distance and let my creativity fly. That’s when I was able to let go and just go with it.
The problem with growth is that it isn’t some quick thing. I’ve been trying to rush to that finish line but where the hell does that even lead? It’s like warren buffet said “ The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient.” Now I know this right here is about the stock market but think about it in your life. How rash are your decisions because of being impatient? Do you make impulsive decisions based on emotions? Are you allowing that growth to be a slow and steady stream or are you demanding overnight change? Imagine the stock market is a metaphor for life. There are the day trades, long term investments, then the pump and dump chumps and the ones left holding the bag. I’m sure there is was more to this than this but imagine you begin to invest in yourself but you don’t see overnight success on day one. What happens then? Do you begin to spiral out and put more pressure on yourself because of the impatience? Or do you acknowledge that it takes consistency in the long term and it’s okay not to be ahead, it’s okay to have ups and down days.
Your life is full of long term goals, and short term goals. When you try to make a long term goal equate to a short term one than you are left disappointed, your mentality becomes negative and you wind up putting anxiety on your everyday successes. The secret to life is that it’s a marathon, not a sprint. So trying to expect yourself to heal from something your subconscious is still feeling is like trying to rush a toddler to walking right after it’s born. When you reach your short term goals instead of rushing off to find the next one take some time to invest in the joy of reaching it. Give yourself a pat on the back and celebrate your little victories, they lead up to some really big ones. Like for instance I have been writing this blog everyday for a year, missing between 28-30 days total so far, everyday I do a day is a success because it leads to my larger goal of doing it for an entire year.
I was thinking for the longest time I need it right now, in this moment. I made the choice to invest in myself and instead of being patient and waiting for the chips to fall as they may all I keep thinking is I want it all right now. I kept putting pressure on the fact I wasn’t where I wanted to be in my life. I stopped having fun and just kept complaining about what I didn’t have. And now seeing it I’m like wow no wonder my February was shit. I was so busy looking to the future that I lost those proud moments of accomplishing my daily goals. That is why living in the present matters so much otherwise you get wrapped up in what you don’t have instead of rejoicing in what you do.
So if things aren’t changing how you imagine give yourself a break. Literally give it time, time for your subconscious to know it, time for yourself to grow, time for your heart to merge into a new space. Give up control and just give to change. If you loosen your grip, and let yourself be open then all things come in time. You don’t need to get to the direct root of all the things you need to change, you just have to be present now. All that will come I promise. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Look around your neighborhood and look at how long it takes to put a building up. I know it can seem like it appears overnight but there was months of planning, then getting permits and approvals, then the physical work. It took a long time for it to finally be up, so give yourself permission to move slowly through whatever you are working on. When you do then you may not have so much resistance, anxiety and fears tied to it, and you may start living in the moment.
Today was a 10! Glad to finally wake up!