Social Species

Us humans well we are social creatures, whether we like to admit it or not. I’ve seen people act like they don’t need anyone (Me, I’ve seen me.) but in all reality  they do (I do). I am very independent, but after listening to this podcast, The happiness lab, I began to wonder how much of it is independence and how much of it is a wall to keep others from getting to close. During the podcast there was an experiment done on train cars where there were 3 different types of interactions done. Some passengers had to keep to themselves and not socialize. Some could socialize and talk to others, and some could just be a part of the socializing. Which ones do you think had a better experience? You would think the quiet, keep to themselves ones right? Actually the ones that socialized had a better train ride. 

Why? Because us humans are social, and I believe that there is a 6 foot energy aura surrounding us. When we are able to be around others and socialize we feed each other, mentally, physically, and energetically. Imagine trying to motivate yourself when you are the only person left on the planet. It’s why when you go to a big convention with like minded individuals, doing this awesome women’s empowerment seminar and you get a high for like a week. It’s because the energy there, the higher vibration is really lifting you up. 

So why would some people not want that social interaction when we as a species require it? Well let me answer that from my own personal experience. For so long I have always been the black sheep or the outsider. I remember one time in like 1st grade everyone was playing power rangers and me well I chose to be the robot that connected them all. I guess even back then I wanted to be a connector, bringing people together. But I digress. So there I was the robot but if everyone was being a power ranger and not turning into the robot then I didn’t really get to play. There I was on the playground on the top slide area pretending to do a dinosaur scream thinking how I wanted so badly to be playing with the other kids. And aside from this there was numerous instances where I wasn’t allowed to really have friends. That is my own experience with being nervous or showing who I am in social settings. It will vary from person to person, but my nurture was telling me to stay away, you aren’t allowed, when my very nature wanted to play and laugh. 

Where do you stand when it comes to social interactions? Do you love them? (I do so much, having great conversations and laughing is so important to me) Look at how you are with friends, family, yourself? Do you feel open and comfortable being you? Do you enjoy conversations with strangers? Or are you more withdrawn? Ask yourself why or why not. Get in touch with your social side! 

Today was a 8.


The nouns of you


Words have Power