Obstacles along the journey

Where are you at in your journey? For me currently I am in the beginning stages of a new aspect of my life. As one chapter closes a new one is beginning and this year has been the year I decided to move my practice and open up something larger. As I planned, prepped and then took action I found myself becoming more thick skinned along the way. In the beginning as one obstacle would arise I would freak out and  feel overwhelmed but now when it occurs I feel the stress and immediately tell myself this is not my reality. I shift my focus to something I can work on right now and let go of what I can’t change. 

Today I had an obstacle come up that had me feeling extremely stressed out because I was taking all the steps necessary to do everything the right way. So when this little dilemma came up I felt the freak out begin but then this time I changed the mindset. Sure was I stressed? You bet but this time I took that stress and used it as fuel rather than letting it deplete me. I focused on all the things I could change and my day got better. I focused on the positives rather than acting like the sky was falling and it worked. See you can either let the whole thing blow up into this awful conundrum or you can flip the script and focus on all the good instead. The choice is up to You. 

So how did I do this 180 rather than have an anxiety induced panic attack? If you want, check out the blog I wrote about:

10 ways to avoiding a freak out.

Using some of the steps from this earlier blog allowed me to get out of my own way and break free from the shit storm. Now I would like to add some to the list, always keep revamping what works and innovating what does. 

11. Don’t accept the situation as your reality. 

We make our own reality and bad things are going to happen. But if you focus on that or dwell on it that is when more bad will follow. For instance if you wind up letting this obstacle spoil your whole day, your whole outlook, your whole mentality then of course nothing will go right. Obstacles are going to come up and it is up to you how you will let them effect you. 

12. Give yourself a window.

By this I mean if you are going to freak out then give yourself a time frame of how long you will let this last. Today I spoke to my bf about the stress from it and after that I let it go. It came up here and there but when it did it was a normal conversation rather than this huge thing. Gain control of yourself and then let go of what is happening outside of you. 

Because I was able to avoid letting this one thing disrupt my day I connected with my clients and found a potential solution to the problem. As Einstein says you can’t solve a problem with the same mind that made it. Had I been in a mindset of everything is going up in smoke then I wouldn’t of been able to focus on my clients or even find a possible solution to the problem. But because I was able to take control of myself and shift from that lack, negative space that is when the light bulb clicked. 

You ever focus so hard on something that you can’t see that the solution is right in front of you? Well it’s because you have closed your mind to anything else. That is what happens when you have anxiety and begin to freak out, your mind becomes closed and small. It focuses only on what has happened and clouds all judgement. Even if your inner badass is like hey dude look right there, the answer is right there, you won’t see it all because the mind can’t look past the problem it’s created. It becomes your main focus and everything else suffers. 

So in your own journey what obstacles have come up? Were you able to find a solution or did it spiral out of control? Are there things that work for you? Have you tried to innovate those things to find an even better solution? Because as well grow and change the things that once served us may not anymore and it is our responsibility to find out what works for us. No now can change things for you, only you have the power to shift your mindset. What are some ways that you could improve your own progress? If you are in the beginning stages as well are you able to find things that help you work through being a beginner? If you are further along in this chapter are you finding ways to revamp what you are doing so that it challenges you or pushes you further along? 

If you need help figuring out your next steps or overcoming obstacles let’s work together to find a way for you to get ahead. Sometimes you just need someone to help keep you accountable or help you see things from a different perspective. 

Today was a 7. 

Hope Ackerly


Setting your priorities


You never know…