You never know…
You never know what someone else is going through.
The lies inside, the stories they hide
It’s always smiling faces and hidden traces of the places they bury alive.
You get one person in public and they pull that mask off as soon as it’s private.
Never showing vulnerability for fear of society rejecting it.
We ask how are you, but it’s meant as hello rather than tell me what’s going on.
How are people suppose to fight the darkness when they are told to just be strong?
Don’t show no weaknesses, keep your feelings to yourself.
Learn to cope with traumas without asking anyone for help.
Then we all gasp when it’s over, when they gave up the “strong” fight.
When all we did was cast them aside instead of bringing support with light.
Learn to be compassionate, listen to hear,
Don’t just blow them off
Because it may just be someone dear.
You never know what someone is dealing with
Imagine it was you.
Would you want to feel helpless, suffering alone
Or would you rather they knew?
I wrote this after watching this gut wrenching movie because I’ve known these feelings before. The movie reminded me of my own PTSD and the abandonments I went through. Although now it didn’t trigger me, it may of in the past which is why I am super grateful to be where I am right now. We always say things like “I hate people; why are people so stupid.” But all’s this does is separate us even further. It’s like saying hey, I am not part of society, I’m above it. People are so beneath me. We look at society as this great big monster that is outside of us but sorry to burst your bubble, we are all part of it. There are no exception to the rules here, you are a human being.
So what can we do to start shifting from people, to all being human beings capable of extreme emotions, thoughts, feelings and dreams. How can we stop living as all for one, and none for all. Because this is why everyone feels so alone, because people are just so awful right? I’m not saying there aren’t bad eggs in a carton but we have become so divided rather than helping others find their voices, have a safe place, or just be heard. We overcast all these people with “fake news, sex, violence, and more division,” instead of speaking out about the real issues people are facing like, mental illness, disease, complacency. These are important, not if Kim Kardashians kid painted a freaking painting.
There are so many people who suffer in silence or if they talk about things are made to feel unwanted, unlovable, that they are the issue rather than feeling validated. And yes I am grateful for the things I went through because it made me have such a huge heart now and helped me rise like a freaking phoenix, yet part of me wonders what if the world was one big hippie hug all the time instead. Would there be any kind of “ism’ or war? I don’t know. It’s just something I ponder. But do we as humanity have the power to change what has become of us?
The rate of suicide is unprecedented and it’s not being talked about. The amount of people suffering from mental illnesses is rising yet we don’t speak about it or we cover it up with drugs. We have become a very sick species in the fact we put each other down to feel better, we pass those on the streets suffering and hungry, we bully each other or gossip or spread lies about others. We don’t teach the youngest generation how to connect with theirselves, with their emotions or with each other. We just put a screen in front of them and are getting them all ready and primed up like the veal they are for the next “evolution” into neuralink, the human/AI brain chip experience.
We forget that our friends, our family, the people we meet or don’t even know feel like we do, have emotions like we do, go through hardship like we do and every time someone doesn’t live up to perfection we are like bye Felicia. No one is perfect and some people may have it harder than others and vice versa. Don’t pretend to care about someone because others will see you and judge, be you and not fake. Reach out to people and see where they are at. You never know if you stepping in was the reason they didn’t end it. Use compassion always, kindness daily and remember to do unto others as you wish done to you.
If you are going through things don’t hide it, speak out about it. Find a trusted friend, a random stranger or a therapist and talk about what is going on. I know how hard it can be to get out of that dark place, it can feel impossible. Just know you are not alone and that there are plenty of people who love and care if you are here. I may not know you but I am sending so much love to you, so I hope you feel that virtual hug. You matter and the world wouldn’t be as bright without you. I know it may seem hopeless but let’s change it together! I’m living proof that you don’t have to stay there, just put in the effort and you will crawl out of it too. Be well my friends and safe.
If you or someone you know is suffering there is also National suicide hotline number
Today was a 8.