When you are in the thick of it and you are hauling ass, nearing that finish. You can see that end in sight, all the time, energy and effort, for this moment. It’s there all you have to do is give that bad boy some more gas and push harder, kick it into 5th gear and get it. But the sweat pours down, the mental demons come in all telling you the horrible lies. You aren’t good enough, you can’t finish this, you suck and everyone thinks so. It calls out with shrieks and wails, a cacophony of mental noise overpowering your mind with doubts. The fires start to flicker out and there you are allowing it to leave you falling off. Now this the moment I see people either quit or they find what it takes, Grit.
I have watched many athletes when they work out, when they are ass to grass they start to have the moment happen. When their mind starts to give out and tell them their body can’t take it anymore. That moment when the story of I can’t comes into play and they slow way the fuck down. I’ve seen coaches recognize it and come to their aid, and others not so much. I’ve seen curses yelled, screams of war cried out, and just fury wage behind focused eyes, and those are the ones that push forward. That say fuck you demons, I am worth the fight. I am enough to finish this, and for me that is the most beautiful thing I see. It makes me want to cry because it’s inspiring and because in those moment I feel that pain they are releasing. It’s a masterpiece in the making and I am awestruck by them.
When is a time you had to dig deep and tell those inner voices to fuck off? Did you push through and haul ass? How did that moment taste? Was it a sense of accomplishment? Or did you present a sense of judgment, like Oh I could of done this better or that. Maybe I could of just did this longer or not. Sure it’s always great to critic our work, but I want you to appreciate the hurdle you just crossed first. Feel that sense of a win! Relish in how incredible it feels to finish it, or follow through or work your butt off for something. Find that gratitude for you, because you chose yourself in those moments of strife. You put you first and stayed true to that person regardless of what was happening, or how much it sucked. That is how you love on yourself hard, by choosing you, and turning those lies, that false story into a story of incredible passion for you and your life. That is what grit is, pushing through the hardships and struggle no matter what because you know you are worth everything in the end. Damn isn’t that amazing.
So what could you do to find your true grit? I want you to test yourself. Push yourself harder than you have before until you hear the headspace of bullshit lies of can’ts, won’ts, and lies. Then I want you to speed past that with everything left in the tank and run with the demons. Out run the demons! Leave them eating your dust. And after you get done smoking them bad boys I want you to stand in your own magnificent, your brilliance and the incredible power of self worth. Allow whatever emotion or feeling you feel to come up. Cry, scream, stay silent, do whatever you feel because that is you releasing those old stories. It’s you walking into your ever growing truth, that you are a dazzling human being with unlimited potential. I hope you harness this my friend, I hope that you become hardened so that even the worst of jabs the demons give bounce off you and you laugh. I hope you to succeed and love yourself more everyday. I hope you find your grit and in doing so find who you truly are.
Today was a 10!