Today we got to move everything in to our new apartment. We are not staying there tonight because it is going to be a lot to unpack, but we got it done right before the storm! Have you moved before? Then you may know the struggles of moving. It can be such a hassle getting everything packed up and then moved and unpacked. But with the new place there is excitement because it’s a new canvas. It’s time to unleash your creative potential and get that fabulous interior designer out and tackle the day!
I love to decorate. Being able to go into a new space and decorate it based on who I am, what I like and how I feel about myself. It’s like every time I move my apartment changes furniture and design because how I feel about myself has changed. And now I am moving into a boujee ass hotel feel apartment complex. Who am I? Like I have never had anything like this before and it makes me feel proud. Yes I know the things you own start to own you, but here I am in a new place. Not just physically but mentally. Remember a while back I said I had poor girl mentality? Well that has been tackled and beaten to a bloody pulp.
Since then I have gathered inner abundance and steam, and now my outside world is starting to reflect my inside one. The furniture is beautiful and I invested into it, and it’s like wow I never saw any of this for myself. But here I am living a boujee dream and it makes me see that I can conquer the world and do absolutely anything I want.
My first apartment after my breakup a few years back was with a room mate in a small, Harry Potter sized closet room. Then I moved into a bigger room with another room mate. Then a room with my ex-best friend for like 2 weeks and was like Oh hell no so I got my own place, a small studio. But it was mine, my first place since I was 18. I loved it because I worked so hard to believe in myself that I could afford my own apartment. Then I moved yet again because it was 2 small for me and my boyfriend because I don’t just date when I am with someone. We move in right away because life is to short to see if hmm maybe we are compatible living wise. The hangar was definitely an interesting place, a place where I found myself. It was dark and isolating and brought me to this place right now in my blog. The hanger will be a piece of my heart for a long time but it was time for me to move forward. Everything happens for a reason, the people you meet the places you go. And I am so beyond grateful for every move, every room mate, every stitch of furniture and thing I had that was part of my journey.
So you could say I moved a lot, but moving was the one thing I did a lot when I was young. Back and forth between parents, and grandparents, to a group home, to a new family, I moved so much and I don’t hate it. You may ask why don’t you get a house or something? Well I’ve thought about it, and back when I had poor girl mentality I didn’t think it was possible. But now I am unsure where I would want it, and what I want is to build my own house.
For that I need to know where I plan to be, and see what comes through this year. I know I can achieve anything I set my mind to, I am a hero champion as I say, but moving allows me to shed old beliefs about myself. When I move I let go of things that don’t serve me and learn something new and magical about who I am becoming. I am a forever student and that journey makes me a free spirited gypsy women.
What does moving feel for you? Have you moved a lot? Or have you moved very little? What do you do when you feel stifled in your home? What newness and change do you bring to it to make it feel fresh? Do you enjoy decorating? Or is that something you leave to the professionals? Is the place you are at now home? What makes it home? Is it the place? The people? The things? What does home mean to you? Let me know how you feel in the comments below when it comes too moving. I hope you have a beautiful night my friend, and stay blessed :)
Today was a 7.