Let’s say goodbye to the resolution, new year new me, and instead propose a commitment to what it is we wish to change or achieve. Every year I do a dream board of what I wish to do in the next year. Traits I hope to have, hobbies I hope to do, and I use images that tie to each other and help me gain a clear perspective of what I want from the year. This year of 2021 will be my year of expansion. Every year for me has a theme, 3 years ago it was travel and exploring myself, 2 years ago was a year of isolation and self discovery(letting go of all old things no longer serving me.)This year was all about finding balance.
I try not to plan anything except wrap my year in a theme and like I said this year for me will be about expansion. This means career, relationships, communities, and hobbies. Everything will expand in 2021 in an amazing way, full of abundance and possibilities. On my dream board I use one photo every single year, its this cute little kid and on the chalk board behind him it says I love learning. This has always been a theme in my life, a driving force for my nature. He will be there again this year. Maybe I’ll adopt him. Aside from this what are some hobbies and things I am planning on pursuing this year?
I want to learn more about interior design, perhaps get books about the difference in modern design and such. I find it fascinating and love to decorate. My inner child looses it. I want to pursue writing more in depth by taking creative non fiction classes. I want to continue with reading like I do but this year I would love to pursue at least 2 books I wouldn’t normally. I want to refurbish furniture and sell it on the side. I want to make my health a priority by working out regularly and maintaining. Now all of these things I have already been pursuing that is why they aren’t resolutions.
That is why I want you to say goodbye to the resolution. If you want something get after it right now. Make a list of things you want to achieve and tackle little by little. Every time you put it off because OHHHHH it’s a new year, you basically say this really isn’t a priority to me I’m just doing it because it’s a fad and I want to believe I can do it. I’ll make it a priority for 2 weeks and then fall off again. That is why I want you to start right now. You don’t have to go balls to the wall with it, just pick something small and do it for 10 minutes, or 5 minutes a day. This is how you start by making it a habit and that happens by making it a priority and then overtime consistency
What are some things you want to do in 2021? What theme will that year hold for you? I want you to write a few things down, listen to some soft music, listen to your inner being and ask yourself what you want. Then after you write down this list put a number next to your top 3. After you do this then really look at those top 3. Feel them in your bones. How do they resonate with you? If it’s not excitement then we need to create some excitement about this. How do you do that? I want you to look at your number one and then think of a time you were super excited. Feel a full body experience with that excitement and attach it to the thing you want to do. This is how you create momentum, this is how you make it a habit!
Are you excited to make 2021 an amazing year? Are you ready to Dare to habit! I am my friend so lets get after it! Be amazing and abundance comes shining through!
Today was a 8.