Let’s talk about your goals. I’m not talking about these vague things like be a millionaire at the age of 40 and travel the world. I am talking about realistic timeline goals. What is your 6 month goal, year goal, 3 year goal? 10 year goal? I had a friend ask me about these things and I was like ermmm durrrr I don’t know. I put things on my goal list but they were vague, and didn’t have a true understanding to what I really wanted or how to get there. Now another thing to keep in mind when creating your goals for your career, do a family one as well. This doesn’t have to be a set in stone must happen thing, but it will allow you to put your focus on the things you need to be doing and if you can realistically give what you want to, to your family or career.
So I have been listening to the audiobook Rich Bitch by Nicole Lapin and the whole goal thing was brought up. I sat there listening to some of her questions and being like damn I have no idea what my goals are, since I seem to be so unfocused on the career path I wish to take. But hearing her speak it got me thinking that I can have more then one goal. Over the next week or 2 I will be effectively working on a 10 year plan for myself. Bit by bit because otherwise when I have to do something that big I get overwhelmed so easily. That’s something I have been working on is taking little bites of things instead of stuffing it all down my gullet at once. That helps me to really think about what it is I want, what I want to create for my life and change things that will always leave me readjusting as life happens.
It’s hard sometimes to plan for me, I tend to be a bit to impulsive. As much as I have toned down in this area, planning something like a 10 year plan freaks me out. Why? Well like I said I am uncertain of where I want to be. I have so many ideas, but I have a hard time to committing to just one. Mainly cause I want it all. That is why I am committing to making a 10 year plan. That way it will keep me actively pursing the things I wish to achieve and keep me committed to growth and my process. I spent way to much time in recovery from my past and my own mentality to keep wasting it on not knowing what I want to reach for in the future.
I know that by making this 10 year plan it will allow me to network, or connect, or find the people I am trying to be with. It will help me pursue continuing education to further the goal, and I will be able to move past the depression. I find that having goals, something to look forward to helps alleviate that a lot. 1 Because you are working towards something, and 2 you get to dive into it passionately. That is what having goals does for me. I have a class I am taking in December along with my move. Those are goals and events that leave me with something to look forwards to and something I can check off my to do list. Giving me that sense of accomplishment.
What is it you have as your goals. If you don’t know then it’s time we start finding out what it is you want out of life? Do you want to make money, but the career you want isn’t going to pay you the money you want? Then that would be something I would re-evaluate. Which one is more important, the passion, or the money. If you are unsure what you are passionate about which I hear all the time, take the word passionate out. What is it you would enjoy doing? Do you have a hobby that you really like? What aspects of the job do you love, which do you hate? Look at your current life and figure out what is working, what isn’t, what you like and what you don’t. That may assist you in finding a career path that is better suited to the likes you have. And if you don’t know then maybe find a life coach that can help guide you through your journey of self discovery. I know a few who would be great!
Today was a 8.