Day 1: 30 day Habit + Goal Setting Coaching Journey
Today I started my 30 day journey into changing my habits. The best teacher is one who truly understands the process, and in order for me to be a coach I want to live by the very thing I’m helping others with. They say you have to help yourself first before you can help anyone else, this goes for every thing you do. If you don’t take care of your health then how can you take care of anyone else’s. If you don’t take care of your creativity how can you inspire anyone else’s creativity. For me I came up with this whole program to assist others to become more consistent, to adapt theirselves to better habits, and become self aware of how they are feeling yet, I was not following through with these very principles. That is why it became important for me to take the challenge, do the work and implement the very steps I came up with.
So what is the 30 day goal I hope to achieve in all of this? Well I am going to do yoga daily along with getting back to writing everyday as well. The time I had taken off gave me clarity of how much my life improves when I am writing everyday, even if it isn’t well written or good or some elaborate piece. Writing is my form of therapy, want to know why? Because words are magic, they cast spells. We create with words, manifest with words, become with words. Words are how we speak, so if you start writing more positive things to yourself you influence your subconscious and create your reality over time.
For instance I wrote exactly what my new space would look like, it would be in a house on the second floor. It would have a warm nurturing environment that is welcoming to all who come in. My space would be light and I would build a community of like minded individuals who offer love and support in a safe space. There would be lots of windows and sunshine, along with being able to see trees. That new space would be close enough to the gym and would allow for me to finally shine. Do you know what happened? Exactly that. I checked out so many spaces but they never felt right, until I walked into this house. I knew right away and said yes because it was what I wanted and created with words.
That is why it is so important you speak and write to yourself in a positive, uplifting way that is full of details about what you want. If bad things always happen and your response is this is my luck, like just always does this then of course it will always be this way. You are creating it, perpetuating it and soon your mind becomes so closed to any other possibility that you only see the bad things happening. Like attracts like and if you keep re-instilling the same beliefs those neural pathways will create shorter and shorter gaps so that it becomes an automatic response.
This 30 day journey for me is all about looking at my physical body and my mental one and finding ways to create wellness in both. Recently my back had seized up and it was a big eye opener for me. What I was doing was taking care of everyone else’s aches, pains and issues while ignoring my own and feeding myself a web of lies. Along with this I was not really doing anything to improve my mental health either since my writing had pretty much ceased as well. I had reached a pretty low state last week feeling utterly defeated since I felt like my body and mind were betraying me. But soon that reality check and low place gave me a swift kick in the ass. I found myself surrounded by so many supporting my healing, supporting my greatness, supporting me and one even told me that it’s time now to stop feeling sorry for ourselves because there are many lives I have to help heal. That hit me, her words were honest and that was exactly what I needed. I opened myself up and cried in front of her allowing in the vulnerability I had always fought. I had been carrying the weight of everything alone, doing it all by myself when life had shown me hey silly, you don’t need to do this anymore. You can let others in and help you now.
In that moment I had finally allowed myself to grieve for my ghost and who I was, and who I was becoming in my new space. It was those moments that I knew she was right and now it’s time to get up and rise like never before. It’s time to show up, you have had your time to get situated and get use to the new environment but now, now is the time to shine. That is why I am doing this, to take care of myself so that I can be the healer and writer I always knew myself to be. This journey excites me unlike before because I get to be the writer of my own story. I get to fight demons and slay dragons. I get to face struggles with my music montage and become better than ever. I get to rise up when all hope seems lost and pave new paths for myself. I get to believe in myself, learn to be proud and be more than I could even imagine. (That’s saying a lot because I have a very active imagination!)
The point of the 30 day coaching isn’t to take huge impossible goals, it’s about changing your mindset, breaking down the steps into bite size pieces to get there and giving yourself a blueprint to create a solid foundation. And that is why I decided this is how I create the life I see in my head. That with this very thing I am rewriting all my limiting beliefs, creating self awareness in all aspects of my life and challenging myself to show the fuck up. The work is challenging but we are always up to a challenge, queue soundtrack to kill bill (Battle without Honor or Humanity.)
So over the next 4 weeks you will see exactly what this coaching journey will be like if you decide for yourself to take the plunge. You will get to hear the highs, the lows and the real views of just how much putting in the effort for yourself pays off. I hope you join me on this journey over the next couple of weeks and watch the magic happen. It may not be huge life altering goals but these everyday habits will lead to life long change. Be back tomorrow my friends.
Today was a 9!