
Hydration is so freaking crucial to our existence. Let me tell you for about a week I haven’t been drinking nearly the amount of water or getting electrolytes like I should be and it shows. When you don’t drink water and you pump yourself up with coffee or energy drinks or pop you create an imbalance in the system. Caffeine affects the kidneys and causes dehydration so you deplete yourself even further. Which is what I was doing. 

So what can you do to combat thirst? Well grab a tall glass of refreshing water! Most the times when we are thirsty or we feel like we aren’t full even though we just ate a lot it’s because we didn’t drink any water. Water will help with satiation, balancing hormones, and sleep. You drink enough and it might even aid in weight loss. Crazy right? How instead of drinking the one thing we are basically made of 60% water yet we instead drink things that don’t aid in nourishing the cells on this very basic level. 

So how much water is best for you? Well it goes based on your weight, the type of activities you do, if you exert yourself, if your sweating and so on. But it usually a safe bet is 8oz cups x 8. At least. Dehydration effects everything from mood, to brain function, and not drinking enough fucks up your recovery. Picture it you work out and don’t drink enough what happens. Well you aren’t replenishing the water you lost during a workout and now your body has to operate to heal on less then adequate circumstances. You wake up beyond sore, sluggish and you go to the coffee cause you think that caffeine is gonna make you more alert? Well guess what, that’s bs. Maybe for an hour you might get an alertness but soon after you get that crash. The best thing in this situation is to load up on water instead of more caffeine. Keep those organs happy, muscles happy, brain happy, and you will feel more alert and better yourself!

So moral of the story is drink more water. Add some electrolytes if you are working out or doing strenuous activity, but for the love of yourself stay hydrated. Your mind and body count on you to keep it functioning at it’s optimal levels. Do you love yourself enough to keep up on your water game? Or are you going to eat more food instead of what really is making you hungry is a lack of water? Choice is yours. I chose to love myself, I chose water!

Also the week of August 30th- sept 5th I will be away. I may still write at night, or I may not. I am allowing myself to decompress and chill out. So we will see what happens! 

Today was a 8! Great day with an amazing man. 


Forgiveness and letting go


My Dear Letter