
I went to my chiropractor today. I have different ones for different things. Just like every type of healing practice everyone has different skills for different things. This chiropractor works with nerve innervations and is very light touch that for some can also be energetic work as well. 

This chiropractor has been one I have been seeing for years. He has been very inspiring for me and I have referred to him often. I refer to other chiro’s as well based on client’s need and even personality. But this particular one is my favorite not just because of his unique technique but because his warm energy is just so inviting. He has helped me through pinched nerves and the like. I have even asked him in the past to be a mentor to me because his approach is all about energy. 

Today I saw him and this adjustment was different then anyone that I have had previously. It was exact and I literally felt my body unwind. It was like if you saw a bouncy spring with my energetic body. Along with my physical body, I was feeling compressed, anxious, and so dizzy lately I would get vertigo for a few seconds. It was getting bad so I decided to go see him. I focused my breath to my body’s releases and I felt a break inside me unlike anything I have ever felt. It was like this old old rusted chain was inside me and it finally broke allowing my pain to subside. Every time he came back my breath depended and finally I could breathe into my stomach, then my back, then my feet. Every tiny adjustment he did allowed me more and more freedom until I felt as if my head was going to pop. From my neck down I was completely free until he actually did a hard adjustment. My neck popped and it felt like fireworks. Then he went to the opposite side and complete bliss. I sat there for a moment taking it in, wanting to cry because I had just released the old chains inside me. I wanted to cry because I finally felt free. Do you know what that feels like? Do you really understand what it feels like to be free in your inner world? 

After that adjustment it felt like the scene from office space where he got hypnotized and then damn it feels good to be a gangster plays in the background. I have dreamt of that kind of peace within my body. I have longed for it and yearned for it. But today I felt it wholly and it was incredible. I still feel it, the anchor that weighed me down is gone. There is nothing tying me down anymore. As I have worked on myself this quarantine the confidence I formed has become strong and brilliant. I started off a depressed mess and blossomed into this amazing flower and I am just so proud of myself and who I am. I love my determination and strength, and that I no longer desire or care for the opinions of others. My validation is coming from within everyday and as my health becomes my biggest priority to me I feel like I have arrived. That I am aware and here, ready to be the absolute best I can be.  

Today was a 9. Now time for some sleep.




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