Power of words

Ever watch what you are saying? No? Well try to record yourself while you are out. Play it back and listen to all the things you say. Do you use expressions like I will try, or I need, or I wish? Well those are expressions that put you in the lack mentality. Imagine this for a second, you are about to place an order for food but you keep saying you don’t want this and the waiter keeps bringing you that very thing you don’t want. The universe, god, spirit, whatever it is you believe in hears you speak and then gives what it is you want. 

So for instance, I use the word I want a lot. It actually translates to something like I lack, and therefor the thing I want won’t come. It will be something you chase after instead of believe that you already have it. So what are some phrases we can replace things like I need, or I want, or I wish? Just like the little engine that could I can is a great replacement for Try. There is do or do not, there is no try. Try means I am not committed enough to actually follow through and do this. Imagine that, your words have meaning yet we throw them around all Willy Nilly. Another great replacement phrase can be I have, or I am grateful for, or I create. Using words or phrases that already state that you have that very thing or that your belief in obtaining it creates more abundance. It also places your order with the universe and allows that to help you take the steps necessary to get there. 

For instance I said last year I am going to win this award for best. I repeated it over and over. I felt as if I had already won it, whole heartedly committed to that faith. And you know what I won. It was because the commitment, faith, and  abundant mindset I created for myself when it came to winning this award was so in alignment the universe had no other choice but to make it so. That is why words are power. You have a magic wand and can create absolutely anything but when you half heartedly commit to it, or just say things without faith then it’s just like all other nonsense you say. This also goes the same for the opposite, you say oh damn I forgot my keys I am an idiot, well what happens. Your brain interprets that and sends that out to the universe. 

I use to say I am so bad with people’s names, every time I met someone I would remember their face but be so afraid to say their name in fear of getting it wrong. Even when I knew their name I couldn’t say it all because I made the declaration that I am bad with people’s names. When I started to shift that perspective I now say people’s names and remember them, I now speak their name as they are leaving. It’s silly how when we say we are good at this we are good and bad at this we are bad. Wouldn’t that cause all of us to step back for a minute and realize the true power we do possess? 

So why not try and watch what you say? Maybe by watching you will be able to change what is going on in your life. We all forget how truly amazing and magical we are. When you are able to shift your language then you will be able to change your life! 

Today was an 8 1/2!!!




Shifting myself