In the face of hard work
There always requires a type of dedication to the things we do. Whether it’s minimal or maximum depends on whether it’s our passion or something we have to do. So when does our hard work become maximized? When our disagreeableness with the world over rides our submissive tendencies in the face of societal judgement.
What does it mean to be disagreeable? It’s not a disliking nature, it means to take what the world expects from you and to say no, this is not my reality. And when the doubts, the naysayers, your own crippling worry and self doubt kicks in, being disagreeable to all that and putting in the hard work is when you rise past any limit and succeed. Once you are able to side step that noise then you can maximize your effort.
In the beginning of this blog I was maximum effort with every post. Then the doubt came in, the fears, the worry about what would people think if I was honest and raw about my life? All of that caused me to have doubts in my writing, have fear with it. I wrote everyday but it felt like a chore because I was allowing so much agreeable ness, letting my fears, doubts and lies fill me up to believe I shouldn’t be doing this, and believed that I shouldn’t. That mentality made writing 1000x harder. My entries became boring, dull, and short. Not all, but there were a few. I wrote about nonsense at times, and didn’t love hard on myself. So the hard work stopped. I posted any picture to fill the post, and no thought went into the thing I loved so hard. I went from dedicated 10/10 to slightly interested 3/10 for so long.
So what changed? What made me decide again to put in the work? Well, school helped me. Writing essays in my pursuit of happiness class taught me what I needed in order to write the way I wanted. Each week new prompts were given and sparked my interest more and more. It got me thinking how I wanted this to become more then just a blog, I wanted it to be a goal to show myself that doing this for a year was possible. That after I finished a year of it, I could write a book. This got me to thinking about my life. Was what I was doing all I ever wanted to do? Was it all I ever wanted to be? The passion I had wasn’t enough for writing, I had to put in the work to make this dream a reality. I have to dedicate and re-dedicate myself to the process. It’s not just a one time choice, like cool here we go, we are doing this. You have to feed the fire, or else those tiny embers of dreams will turn to ash and be forgotten memories. Writing is my life, and I thrive inside the letters on the screen. It’s were I have grown, and seen my transformations. This isn’t my first blog. I’ve written about 3 others, all deleted so no you can’t see them, but I deleted them because I was afraid. I let the agreeableness seep in and marinate my mentality with no confidence and low vibrations. But here I am dedicated, 7 months in, learning, changing the things I don’t like, and improving the things I do.
I hope you continue to follow me on this journey. Watching my growth, while doing a bunch of self discovery as well. I challenge you now to take a look at where you put your effort. Not just in tasks you do but your thoughts, your feelings, your body? Are you doing maximum effort in the things you love and are passionate about? Or are you giving minimal energy to it? Are you agreeing with the way things are, not pushing past the limits, or societies judgment? How does that feel? Do you find yourself feeling less creative? Less focused? I want you to re-ignite your passion if you lost it. Take a class, do something that will help you fall back in love with it full force, and say hell no to the doubts. Recommit to the process!
Today was a 8.