Having to? Or getting too?

(Been away since Friday, just got back from Chicago!!)

Have you ever said, oh man I have to do this or I have to do that? When you say it, is there any joy or positivity attached to it? Or does it feel like a chore? As we know words have power and as you speak them into existence you attach energy to them. A lot of the times it’s not always a good energy as well which accounts for a lot of unhappy people. So let’s do some mentality shifting now in order to change from I Have to, to I Get to. 

When you say things like I have to work out or I have to lose this weight what feelings arise? Anxiety, pressure, negativity, forcing things and numerous others come up sucking the joy and gratitude right out of the activity. Face it you could literally do nothing, you don’t have to do anything, you get too. You actively chose what you get to do and by phrasing it in a way that is more of a burden rather than one filled with gratitude then you will always be in a lack mentality. Saying you are always broke means you will always be broke. I will say it again, your words are powerful you chose how they create your reality. If you wish to live in a state where you have to rather than you get to that is your choice. 

So how can we start changing our mentalities from this lack to one full of abundance. 

1. Change the words you use. 

Saying things like I get to workout, I get to pick up my kids, I get to do laundry, how does it sound to you rather than I have to pick up my kids, I have to work out, I have to do laundry. Imagine if you weren’t able to do these things anymore because some people can’t. You have to look at is as a privilege because people die all the time, people lose everything all the time, if you died today wouldn’t you wish to get to do all these things again? 

2. Empower

Write down 10 phrases that you are required to read every time you start to shift from that high vibrational gratitude into that low place. This could be anytime you have a bad interaction with someone else or hear bad news. You want to shift yourself out of that negative into a positive place. Things like I am powerful, I am beautiful, I am wealthy, I am the creator of my own time. Uplifting things that help you take the current bad experience and stop it from taking over your whole mentality and bring you into a great place will help shift the perspective. 

3. Make lists!

When you are able to make a list of all the things you get to do today and slowly get to check them off not only are you empowering the things you're doing  with gratitude but now you are adding a boost of accomplishment. At the top of your list write, “THINGS I GET TO DO!” That way you are already adding a tone of joy to these things. Even if they are chores using this type of language will allow you to enjoy them more than it being some hindrance. 

Now I want you think about all the times in your life you said I have to do these things. Really imagine in your mind how it made you feel? If it made you feel like you were constantly out of time, out of money, out of energy then it’s because focusing negatively on something zaps out any of the abundance you have. Law of attraction, like attracts like, so if you have to do something then you will treat it as a chore. In other blog posts I have spoken about the importance of your words, of how you use them. So how are you going to speak to yourself?

We tend to get so caught up in our lives that we forget how to speak to ourselves and about the things in our lives. We take things for granted and then complain about how we can’t see how much abundance we have and then we get lost in the anxieties and negativities. But if we can all just begin to shift the way we approach every moment then we can start living in joy and gratitude. So what kind of mentality are you going to chose? Are you going to keep approaching your life like one big chore? Or are you going to be speaking to yourself as if you are just grateful to be alive to do these things? 

The challenge is for you to start speaking to yourself like you matter, like the things you do matter, that it’s a gift and a privilege. I can give you all these great uplifting things, teach you things and give you all the advice in the world but if you aren’t willing to put in the work then nothing I do will ever help. You can read all my blogs, surround yourself with greatness and constantly read and listen to podcasts but again if you don’t do the work and actually apply this to your life then all is for not. You are in control of your life, your breath and your reality. So make good girl or good boy choices my friend!!


Hope Ackerly


What steps to take to avoid a freak out


5 ways to approach things differently.