Distractions and cleaning

So there I was all day doing things upon my list I made to get done when all of a sudden my phone decided to open this app. Okay I opened the app, but it called to me like the one ring did. Tempting me with all it’s dazzling distractions!  And I had to answer the call, the call to arms. United with my fellow brethren in hours of endless 60 second videos, scrolling, telling myself just 1 more. Fast forward to 3 hours later.... and I look up to see that it’s 10:10. Stop it! That can’t be. It was just 730 when I was making dinner. It isn’t right. 

Back to before this monster app that haunts me, yet I can’t get enough of it. The day went really amazing. Have you ever read The life-changing Magic of Tidying Up, by Marie Kondo? Well I highly recommend it, it is one of the many self-help, awareness seeking books I have read. Well today I did this with my clothes, totally not on my list of things to do but it was because clean the house means going through all articles of clothing in your house and seeing if they spark joy, right?! Yes so I went through everything, and found a lot of joy in my closet. There was one pair of pants I have had for over 10 years, now this pair of pants had a lot of memories. They were beyond comfy but so ratty looking at the ends, yet I loved them. I kept them because of what they meant to me instead of wearing them. And that’s when I held them in my hands and cried a little, honoring what those memories were, letting go of the attachment, and thanking them for what they gave me. It was amazing, I felt so much more free and creative by the time I was done with this cleansing. 

There were clothes though, just in case you decide to do this, that had me stuck. I looked at my ever shrinking closet, minus 2 huge garbage bags worth and these clothes cried you don’t want to get rid of me you won’t have anything left. This my friends is the trap, the lack mentality is attacking you, it is coming for you and hoping to convince you that you are in a lack of. Don’t fall for it, don’t allow it to stop you from creating joy and abundance. I had a few pieces I tried to keep because the lack mentality whispered to me, and I was like hell no bitch! I am creating abundance and light, by letting go of this I am opening myself up to those possibilities. I have so much coming in to me. I loved on myself so hard, and allowed them to be tossed in the garbage bag. So if you chose to do this, I warn you, it will happen. It will make you question your worth, your abundance, your strength, your open ness to change. I thought of not having money with those pieces, how I was scared I couldn’t afford more. But I rebounded with a spell to totally paralyze that thought in it’s process and it worked. I thanked all my clothes and wished them well so that I can move into who I am becoming. An abundant, magical goddess who can manifest anything I wish into fruition! 

Oh what was the app you say? Tik Tok. I figured I’d distract you with a story instead of talking about it. Just so I can prevent your soul from being slowly destroyed. Okay, theatrical much? 

I want you to look in your closet. Look at all the pieces of clothing you have. Do you see a closet that feels light and full of joy, or is it a mismatched, overcrowded mess? Imagine that overcrowdedness as energy, each one attached to you as this weight. Only there because you can’t seem to let go, not because it brings joy to you. Picture that closet or dresser organized and happy, with clothes you felt amazing in. Well then get to it. Why are you only imagining? You can do it, you can start with this one step. Allow yourself to truly be present, remembering what the clothes made you feel or the memories that are attached. It will help you let go. 

Today was a 9. P.S. I love myself!! Say it with me. 


Just ask questions


Against all Odds