Just ask questions

While in the middle of a massage I started to think about writing. For english class I am given a prompt and it is my job to write based of the prompt. I love this not just because its thought provoking and gets my creative juices flowing but because it actually made me realize something today. I want to write a novel, one of my goals. I have ideas for it just not sure how to get from point a to b. Then it dawned on me, ask questions. If i get stuck or don’t know what to do ask more questions and sit with them. Ponder them, soak it up, allow the brainstorm to flow and then do something creative. 

Are you feeling stuck? Uncertain about what to do. Ask questions! What makes you feel stuck, what do you enjoy doing? What are some things you can do right now in the present? Asking these thought provoking questions can help you discover whats going on. Maybe you aren’t stuck, instead you are not being present or learning something new in your current career? Or maybe you are and its because you are afraid to take a leap. Allowing yourself to have a conversation with well, you, might give you insight to why you feel the way you do. 

For me I wanted to understand how to write and I discovered that its easier then I thought. Just have to stop putting pressure on the outcome and be in the moment, asking, being patient and using gratitude. Its funny because I am always asking questions. It wasn’t until taking this english class that I realized to ask when I an stuck. So if you need to figure something out, ask questions about it! It does help.

Today was a 5 1/2. I am so fatigued from yoga. 


Remember to love yourself


Distractions and cleaning