Life Purpose

Many times in life everyone believes that we have one grand purpose. One main thing we all were gifted to do upon this planet. But I am going to change that right now. NO! We aren’t born to have one grand design, we aren’t animals. Think about it if your life purpose was to be lets say a gymnast then all you would do is that and once you were to old to do it then you would die. You wouldn’t become a parent, you wouldn’t become a mentor or a coach, you would be that singular thing. 

Now if you are a gymnast I bet there are other parts to your life other then just doing gymnastics. You probably train, maybe you are going to school to learn to teach. You probably hang out with people and have a social life, you aren’t like an ant hardwired to fucking get food and bring it back to the colony and thats it. So with everyone thinking they have to know what they want and that there are no take backs. I say fuck that. I still don’t know sometimes what I want because variety is my cup of tea. I love many things and just because I don’t have one direct passion doesn’t mean my life doesn’t have purpose. 

I have changed careers a few times and I probably will again because like I said I love to try new things and have variety in my life. Even though I love financial stability which makes things trickier because I need that saftey. Let’s say I never became a massage therapist, that I just stayed in retail. I would probably of gained a lot of weight from being depressed, and been feeling so unfulfilled and angry. But my time in retail taught me so much about customer service and business. I met people who’s lives I changed and vice-versa. During that period of my life that was my purpose to learn about life from a retail perspective to help my future.

We question all the time what is my life purpose? It literally can be anything. Maybe you help people at a nursing home while you also are a banker. You don’t need one thing to feel fulfilled in your life. You just need to respect your time and use it in things that will bring you the utmost joy. Stop freaking out about what career your going to be in, it’s okay not to know. Stop telling kids they need to have all the fucking answers by the time they are finishing high school. It’s okay if they don’t. It’s okay if they want to work at a grocery store as a manager. 

We are not gods, we don’t need to make some great impact on humanity for us to be fulfilled. We don’t have to do just one thing because then how can you expect to enjoy anything. You limit yourself to a single thing, but does one word define you? Are you just “travel agent?” No personality, no kids, or spouse, or partner, just travel agent! No. So stop letting one thing define you. If you are a travel agent maybe you are also a mother, a sister, a painter, a baker, a decorator, and numerous others things. If your life purpose was travel agent how could all those other things happen? Because we don’t have one singular purpose unless that purpose is to live. So go live, be free to change your mind on what you want. You can do absolutely anything you want, other’s opinions don’t matter, all that matters is you. So what is your life purposes? Cause I know I have many!

Today went up to an 8 1/2. Focused on eating right and getting some lifts in. 




Diet is everything