Have you ever been distracted by every little thing? That no matter what you feel scatterbrained and all over the place? Well days like that can be a struggle. You have everything set to go and you just can’t get the focus you need. How can you regain focus and push through? Well first off re-establish your priorities. It’s important to put the thing you want to do at the top of your list.
Then I want you to get rid of social media. This number one distraction trap is going to get in the way of all your progress making. Put a time frame on it. Make sure you apply a bit of pressure so that way you allot time for it. If you don’t give your goal a timeframe you are more likely to put it off and say hey there’s always tomorrow.
Now that you did those things lets get into why you are doing this. So this goal you have what does it mean to you? Is it for work? Is it for something big? Is it for a hobby? Find out why you need to do this and then once you have your why take it to the next step. Does this thing spark joy in my life or cause me stress? Do I avoid because it requires work? Am I distracted because I am afraid of putting my heart into something that may not be received the way I hope? Really dissect why you are distracted and unable to focus. Be honest with yourself about it, no one has to know that your distracted because of fears or because of working or because you just don’t feel 100% today. This is for yourself and your own accountability. So be brutally honest with yourself about it.
I have something I have been working on for a while. It terrifies me so unbelievably much and sometimes I lose focus on it. I allow the fear to kick in, oh no I can’t do this. What made me think I can, and all those fears you tell yourself. But that’s when I started to ask those questions, why am I doing this. What do I hope to gain? Why does this scare me? I get honest with where I am at and where I know I can be. Then I fall back in love with it all over again. There is this cycle where we make a choice, then we ride the high, doing the work involved until the first road block comes up. It hits you in the gut and is like hey you silly fool, look at all these things you have to do. Are you sure you are capable of this? Are you really worthy of creating something like this? Then thats when you have to chose again! Re-focus on what your goal is, Spark that joy again and recommit to it! That’s when you can gain focus and momentum.
That’s what I did today. I made a few decisions over the entirety of this quarantine and they scare the fuck out of me. I go through lulls and dips when I start getting low again, starting sinking into my dark hole of why am I here or why am I trying to do this. But then the sunshine comes out and I get up and am like boom bitch! This is why. This is my WHY!! Stop allowing that darkness to keep bringing you back to that place. That isn’t you anymore. You are so much more then this, you fucking magical unicorn mermaid fairy cat princess. Yes this is what I am, and I am proud of it. So then I rise up and start working towards my goals again. I re-focus and start doing the work I need to.
Self talk is so important. It can become destructive and isolating, or you can rise from it. The power of self talk is what creates everything in your life, and when I succumb to the bully thats when I lose my vision, lose my focus on what I want. But when I grab that stupid bully by the balls and push past him that’s when I am able to jump the hurdles of self doubt and worth. When you talk low to yourself you send out a frequency that makes you radiate at a low vibration. Which in turn creates more of the same low vibrations to come in. Oh you got a flat tire on your way to work. Which then made you late. Which then caused your boss to yell at you. Which in turn put you in an even worst mood so you took it out on your kid who then became a bully at school. See how one thing taken as a negative created a whole negative vibration? In order to stop that from happening don’t let one small thing become so catastrophic to your mood. Instead look at it as what it is, an obstacle. By dwelling on the negative only more negative arises. Like if you bought a car and now you see that car everywhere. How does this apply to focus? Well if you tell yourself hey I can do this later, or hey I don’t need to do this right now. Then you allow yourself to de-prioritize this task and get distracted with other things. Self talk applies to focus because you have to tell yourself to do something even if you don’t want to so that it can get done. Even if it isn’t something you particularly like give yourself a reason for why you should like it. Maybe you are doing it for your kid, or maybe you are doing it for your partner. Maybe you are doing it to get a promotion. Remind yourself of why and talk yourself into doing it!!
Today I am at a 7! My stomach subsided yesterday and the sunshine is out! Can you tell by my writing today?