Hey I know you are thinking it, so I am going to write about it. Frustration is a feeling that puts your body into a state of aggravation and tension. It’s a frequency in which your anger boils over mixed with sadness underneath. It’s an irritability that is maddening, and leaves you like a tiger backed into a corner ready to attack the next mother fucker that comes your way. Why am I talking about this today? Well with what’s going on I have to believe I am not the only one frustrated beyond belief. With myself, with the government, with others, with my dog. With everything. To be frustrated is a normal emotion to have, especially under such extreme circumstances. So lets talk about what we can do to lighten the load, and prevent the volcano from erupting!
Today I woke up in a ready to seize the day kind of mood. I have been working hard on building my routine so that I feel accomplished. Little by little I add something to the morning so that when I look up at the clock it’s already 130. Get that motivation baby! I started to drink my coffee and then play my video games. Yes I play video games, and no it’s not all day long. It’s 3 matches then it’s off to workout, then write, then shower, play with my dog, etc. I stay busy otherwise I get frustrated and that turns into depression. And that depression monster I want to keep as far the fuck away as possible. But today I had to make an important phone call. In the current state of affairs I had to close my other business, and like everyone who has lost their jobs we have all become eligible for unemployment. This was the call I had to make, and busy signal after busy signal left me feeling more and more defeated. I got through a few times but the calls were dropped and that’s when frustration began to bubble over.
When this happened I decided to be proactive, I first started to yell very loudly, having a conversation with myself. Yes talking to yourself is healthy, its how some people process things. When everything came up and out I felt a bit better but there was still a rainbow of colorful irritability lurking in the depths of my gut. So I worked out. I took every feeling and made it another rep. I challenged myself to get one more, just get through it. I yelled at my feet as I did a single leg deadlift and I lost my balance. I pushed through it and after it I felt more energized and satisfied. It was like none of the things I was frustrated at mattered anymore. Why? Because in a state of frustration you have to challenge yourself to release it. If you let it fester like a wound it will become necrotic and putrefy inside you. That lingering pustule feeling will be catastrophic to your psyche, your body, and that will weaken your immune system. And during these times thats the last thing you need.
Stress and frustration and negative emotions deplete you. They cause your body to go into fight or flight. This constant state of sympathetic overdrive will take its toll on you. You might not see it today but in a week, a month, whenever, that fatigue will hit. And it hits you hard. Like a grand slam when your in the last inning.
So what are some things you can do to release this? Like I said I like to do movement, I like to yell, and after this I usually take a bath. Baths and reading are one of my favorite things to recharge myself. You can also go for a run, or write all your feelings down and then burn the paper. I challenge you to find an outlet. Something that will allow you to channel frustration and push it out of your psyche. I want you to become best friends with this feeling when it hits, listen to it, and then let it go. Frustration is a lack of control about the things around us, so by letting go of it you allow yourself to just be. Fighting a current will eventually leave you so tired you can’t swim, and then you drown. Don’t let this feeling suffocate you. No one has control over the external world, but the internal one is where you find peace. Give yourself a break, and hone in on the internal sanctuary and make it your shangri-la. You will be able to overcome any obstacle when you allow yourself that peace.